The Life And Times Of Jim Marrs

Image of Jim Marrs

In a 2016 interview with Jim Marrs, the interviewer introduced him as someone rare in the age of cut and paste because he actually wrote his own words.

Sadly at the age of 73 the bearded Texan with a fabulous turn of phrase passed away on August 2nd, 2017 leaving a huge legion of fans knowing the world would not be quite as bright as it was with him here.

Jim Marrs, for anyone who hasn't come across him was a crusading investigative journalist with a keen mind and great sense of humour. He came to prominence when he shone a light on the contradictions of the official story of JFK's murder with his 1989 book Crossfire. A best seller which Hollywood film director Oliver Stone made into the movie JFK.

Jim wasn't shy of exploring a conspiracy theory and his other favourite topics included UFO's, the resistance to disclosure from the US government and the shadow government of the ruling elite. His final book The Illuminati was published in July 2017.

Like many, I only came to know Jim through is interviews on many and various shows and recordings of his talks at numerous conventions around the world. Fortunately we only need to do a search on YouTube for him to be able to see the man and his intellect in action.

In one interview Jim was being quizzed about aliens. The interviewer questioned why they were coming here and Jim noted there was an increase in sightings after the atomic bombs were dropped. He flippantly added "Don't look now but the kids have found the matches".

His Texan drawl and impeccable comic timing left me in stitches. It still brings a smile to my face and I have to confess I've dropped that line into a post or two. It always lightens the mood while not undermining the subject at hand.

While we won't have his trademark humour, thoughtful insights and generous spirit producing new work, Jim's legacy is a huge bounty of research which, for anyone interested in esoteric topics will provide many hours of thought provoking stimulation.

If you've never come across Jim Marrs, I envy you. He's like the favourite movie you wish you could watch again for the first time. But like all good movies, the second and third viewing reveals new insights as new layers of the onion are removed.

Vale Jim and thanks for all your work. I expect you'll have the angels in stitches by now.

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