Dr Garry Nolan on Materials Recovered from UFOs


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There's been a new UFO disclosure development worth mentioning. Dr Garry Nolan recently went on camera to assert that UFOs are real and have been visiting Earth for a long time. Nolan said he doesn't think there are biological extraterrestrials here. Instead, he suggests that the phenomena we're seeing is probably the ET equivalent of unmanned drones and robots.

One area where Nolan expressed unshakable certainty involved recovered materials from downed UFOs. He said that our government and big defense firms have long possessed such materials, and that a major effort to study them was underway. Nolan claimed to know people involved in this research, and to have almost been given access to them through one of his companies at one point. This isn't exactly a new revelation, but it does add weight to the mythology around materials recovered from downed UFOs.

Nolan has a long history working in the gray area where intelligence and defense meet. He's also no stranger to the spotlight. At one point, he analyzed the brain scans of 100 people who had been harmed by UFO encounters. Here's some of what a New York Post article said about that:

Dr. Garry Nolan, a Professor of Pathology at Stanford University who has published more than 300 research articles and holds 40 US patents, has spent the past decade analyzing materials from alleged Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). ... His involvement with UAP began after he was asked to use his "blood analysis instrumentation" to help with cases of pilots who were close to alleged UAPs and "horrible" brain damage. ... Ultimately, his team learned the people, who they originally thought were damaged, had an "over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen." The number of people that had this "over-connection" led to the open question: "Did coming in contact with whatever it was cause it or not?" Nolan said that approximately a quarter of the MRI patients, who claimed they had an encounter, died from their injuries. And the majority were found to have symptoms identical to Havana syndrome. But some people who had seen UAPs didn’t have Havana syndrome, and instead, [displayed] a wide range of symptoms.

Limited hangout

Personally, I feel like Nolan's latest interview is part of a larger limited hangout that began a few years ago. I think they're sharing minor details while keeping the true scope and scale of the phenomenon hidden. The broader narrative emerging from this limited hangout treats UFOs as a threat, though Nolan pushed back against this threat narrative a little in the interview.

One area where I agree with Nolan involves the impact of UFOs on culture. Nolan implied that the origins of major religions were all wrapped up in UFO experiences, which is an idea that I find silly. But the related idea that UFO experiences have shaped culture in more diffuse ways makes perfect sense. Just knowing that reality is far bigger than we can make sense of, or far deeper, is powerful.

There's no way to know what the government or defense contractors really know about UFOs. Individual experiences of the phenomenon, on the other hand, seem to be commonplace. Thousands and maybe millions of people have had encounters that they can't explain. In rare cases, these encounters have physically harmed the brains of experiencers. But the vast majority of the time, the experiences people have of UFOs are merely anomalous, and anomalous experiences often seed creativity.

Last fall, sitting around a fire, a family member told us about a UFO she'd seen in the rural Midwest in the 1990s. Until that point, she'd never told anyone else about her experience. Whether the UFO disclosure happening now is a limited hangout or not, it serves to normalize the whole conversation. So much so that respectable people like this relative now feel emboldened to begin telling their stories.

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