Congressional Testimony on UFOs


The above image was made with stable diffusion using the prompt 'a dark gray cube floating in a blue sky.'

UFOs were in the news today, following Congressional testimony on the subject by three military veterans. According to NPR:

Retired Maj. David Grusch, who went from being part of the Pentagon's UAP Task Force to becoming a whistleblower, told the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee that he had been denied access to some government UFO programs but that he knows the "exact locations" of UAPs in U.S. possession. ... Grusch also alleged that the U.S. has retrieved "non-human" biological matter from the pilots of the crafts.

Sadly, the testimony didn't include much or any new information. And Grusch himself appeared not to have any direct personal experience with materials from the downed UFOs he talked about. His big claim was that he knew the names and positions of people who have had such direct persona experience. While the claim of alien biological matter is interesting, the absence of supporting evidence weakens this claim considerably.

Whitney Webb's take on all of this is worth mentioning:

Personally, I feel like this may be a both/and situation. UFOs are a widely reported phenomenon and the government knows more about them than it's disclosed. UFO disclosure in general is way past due. Yet the government and black budget contractors aren't in the business of transparency. If they're making more information public, they're doing it for a reason. Bigger budgets. Increased control over the population. Maybe something even more sinister.

One thing that's surprised me about the recent round of disclosures are the pilot encounters with UFOs described as dark gray cubes within translucent spheres. Maybe surprised isn't the right word. Intrigued is probably more accurate. Cubes within spheres floating around our skies is intriguing.

The first thing it brings to mind is sensors. Like, maybe there's some extraterrestrial intelligence collecting data about our atmosphere, and the cube spheres are how they're collecting that data. What is the purpose of this data collection? I have no idea.

I'm not entirely convinced by Webb's argument that the powers that be intend to use UFO disclosure as a justification for creating a new global "digital ID/cbdc technocracy" supported by all-encompassing satellite surveillance of the whole planet. I find this argument unconvincing because of the very high likelihood that such a satellite surveillance network already exists. It also seems like a stretch to connect this with CBDCs, which are already designed to operate like a new mass surveillance system, no satellites necessary.

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