Howdoo, the game changer

Social media has undoubtedly, enjoyed its era on this planet. In the last few years it has been the major means of keeping in touch with both old and new friends, families and other special people in our lives.
Facebook which is considered the largest and busiest among these platforms has about 2 billion users and serves about 260 billion page viewers in a month. There are other social media platforms with greater capacities and high peformances. Let's now ask this question. What would have been their capacities and performances if they were built on the blockchain? The answer is obvious.
Facebook uses hypertext preprocessor (PhP) which some people argue is the major cause of facebok's blunder while others believe it has to do with how it is being used by facebook. Facebook, twitter, instagram etc have all at a point in time caused a lot of mess as far as data security and privacy are concern. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of facebook is under pressure as he faces the Congress on the unprecedented leak of data. Facebook and some other social media platforms collect data of users and even non users without their consent or compensation. These have made people feel so insecure and I foresee a massive migration if a trustworthy platform should surface.
The Blockchain on the other hand has been rigorously tested, found to be incredibly secure technology and now has the endorsement of individuals, institutions governments, businesses, culture etc. It has never been manipulated since its inception and that is not questionable
The short falls of facebook and the other social media platforms which ranges from imposture to insecurity, have given a wake up call to a team lead by David Brierley to put together 'a salad of experiences' to come up with an all inclusive messaging and social media platform on the Blockchain. Platform for the generation indeed. Howdoo key interest is giving the power back to its users - to have control over their personal data. Get rewarded for every contribution they make, view ads of their choice and get rewarded for that or not to view them at all (this will create sanity and a fair ground for the content creator and the consumer), remove all restrictions on money transfers which includes infrastracture limitations, lack of access to banking facilities, or government interference, ensuring privacy and optimum data security.
howdoo is built on the Ethereum Blockchain and uses the private ledger/smart contract that it provides to better truck user interaction with content. This will enable the quantification of user's worth to the network and hence their compensation. This feature makes Howdoo outstanding.

The uDoo is the Howdoo crypto community token that will be used to sharing value. Howdoo is unique in its value sharing and compensation plan. Most platforms I think should learn and implements these strategies to motivate their users.

In the history of facebook, twitter, instagram and the rest of the the social media platforms, there have been people who have produced the most liked post or tweet or created things in the form of a meme, gif or chart that has gain so much popularity and generated income for these platforms. Now the question is, have you heard of those names before or were those people recognised and compensated for their efforts and creativities? The answer is obviousely NO. Howdoo has the solution to this problem and this is another feature that gives a plus to howdoo. There is a saying that, 'corn that will grow bigger starts from germination'. Howdoo has proved it. This makes me throw the challenge to any reader who want to play on the fair grounds to make his/her person checks on the Howdoo official telegram group. Every little effort is being acknowledged and compensated for. Yes, this is the power of sharing.
Looking at the team, their experiences and track record, and what they have come out with, it is clear they are not out for a play and I strongly believe that if there is a game changer in the social media industry then it is Howdoo.



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