Why I think Ubiq (UBQ) is waiting to explode - A layman's explanation


For those afflicted with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), this is your chance. For the last three years, Ubiq (UBQ) has been sitting there with an extremely low valuation.

Before I explain why it's going to blow up, it would make sense to understand why UBQ has been undervalued so far. I've been observing this crypto for the past 6 months and from what I can tell, here's why so few people have given a damn about it.

  • The marketing is terrible:
    I don't mean to criticize the UBQ team. What I mean by this, is that the UBQ team, supporters and HODLers have been extremely modest about it so far. This means no ads, no promos, no conferences. Just online meetups at best.

  • Only 4 exchanges listed UBQ:
    As of April 2018, UBQ was listed in only 4 exchanges across the world (Bittrex, Litebit, Upbit and Cryptopia). Not even Poloniex bothered to list it.

  • Until a few days ago, UBQ was very inaccessible to the public:
    Out of the 4 exchanges that did list UBQ, 1 of them (Bittrex) stopped accepting new users. Bittrex dealt with the largest volumes of UBQ. This meant, new users didn't have the means to purchase UBQ. Upbit is Korean. Cryptopia is almost defunct and Litebit isn't a well known exchange. So up until recently, most of the trading of UBQ happened either between existing users of Bittrex or between South Korean users in Upbit. The last few months haven't been nice for crypto users in South Korea.

Now that we've gotten the reasons for low valuation out of the way, here's why I personally think it would go up. I'm going to divide the reasons up into silly reasons and good reasons.

Silly Reasons

These are reasons that support my gut instinct about UBQ. They are silly. But I might be right.

  • Very low market cap
    As of writing this post, UBQ is totally valued at $98,569,268 USD or 12,136 BTC, ranking #129. A 5x jump in value would put its valuation at approximately $500M.
    Currently, Stratis (STRAT) and Waves (WAV) hold that position at ranks #37 and #38 respectively. That's a modest jump in ranking compared to how many other relatively useless cryptos jumped further up. A 10x jump in Ubiq's value would still put it at #6 which still isn't that far fetched.

  • Low price per coin
    Today, 1 UBQ costs $2.44. Psychologically, it seems like a very low price. A seemingly low price per coin is more likely to draw in new crypto users.

  • Low total supply
    As of today, there are only 40,457,149 UBQ in circulation. Compare that to Litecoin which has 56,139,738 LTC that costs $137.63 per coin! A low supply high market cap coin is going to have a very high per-coin value. What do you think it would be like, if each UBQ costed $10? Maybe, $15? Or $20? Do you think a $200 per coin is far fetched?

Good reasons

These are the main selling points of Ubiq - the kind you'd see when you google it.

  • UBIQ is basically an Ethereum clone
    Or at least, that's what its website says. The intent of UBQ is to build a platform for enterprise scale dapps. Ubiq sells itself as a platform for enterprise dapps because it's designed to be more stable than Ethereum. This means no sudden updates and no sudden forks. Only the most reliable features of Ethereum are going to be implemented on the Ubiq platform.

  • No premine at its inception
    Unlike Ethereum which had a presale at its launch, Ubiq had no coins premined. The total supply of coins have been increasing gradually as nature intended.

  • It's got a great block explorer
    I'll let the screen shot do the talking.

  • Upcoming airdrops for ESCHER utility token for governance
    It seems like the Ubiq team wants to be a little more democratic about its governance. Unlike Ethereum's core team that dominates important decisions, the Ubiq team wants to involve the community in its decision making processes using ESCHER tokens. These tokens apparently represent weight of the votes involved.

My personal commitment to UBQ plus disclaimer

I personally committed 1 BTC when it cost around $13,000. Until a few weeks ago, the total value of my holdings dropped to 0.5 BTC. If it was any other coin, I'd have sold it out for good and cut my losses. But I chose to HODL Ubiq. After a few stressful months, the value of my UBQ is now around 0.90 BTC.

  • In an ideal world, I'd see a 100x gain. A $200 per UBQ would be great.
  • In a nice world, I'd see a 10x gain. A $20 per UBQ is quite realistic.
  • In a practical world, I'd see at least a 2x gain. A $4 per UBQ is not at all hard to achieve.

The disclaimer, is that a rise in popularity of UBQ is going to benefit me immensely.

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