It´s not over yet! How to signal for BIP148

How can we show support for BIP148?

The best way to show support is to champion it through social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc…) and petition businesses and wallets to support it. Many users have already installed (or upgraded to) Bitcoin Core UASF BIP148 and this is best option for those who use own nodes to send and receive bitcoin.

Users who cannot upgrade existing Bitcoin Core can change their node’s user agent string to include BIP148, but such nodes will have to be upgraded to UASF BIP148 in order to be able to function on the BIP148 chain after August 1.

To signal #BIP148 on Linux on your node without a software change:

echo "uacomment=UASF-SegWit-BIP148" >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf && bitcoin-cli stop && sleep 5 && bitcoind

To signal #BIP148 on Windows, you can edit the shortcut for Bitcoin as follows:

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