My twitter handle is suspended permanently! Where is my right to "freedom to know"?

So, Twitter decided to permanently suspend my twitter handle @Antihypocritean that had over 200 followers (which is a lot for a beginner like me). I used that twitter handle to promote ICOs, tokens, bounties, etc. Surely, I had registered in a number of tokens/bounties of numerous ICOs through this handle. Now that my twitter is suspended, I won't be eligible for any of those free tokens. Thus, permanent suspension of this twitter handle has caused financial loss to me in the long run.

I have no idea what exactly the problem was. I might have shared tweets from number of other twitter handles- but never pornographic/violent (there are number of twitter handles sharing suggestive and pornographic contents online and they continue operating unabated) and I do not think I have violated any copyright items. I have never misused any twitter logo. I did not know one could misuse a twitter logo as well.

Anyway, this is the email I received from twitter confirming the permanent suspension of my twitter handle:

Prior to abrupt and permanent suspension of my twitter handle, I was never warned about possible violations I had committed. If I had violated one of the rules, Twitter could have/should set up a system that would automatically warn me about possible consequences. This is the age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. You don't need people scanning through every bit of tweets!

I suppose- blocking me and disallowing me to re-appeal the suspension amounts to violation of my freedom to know. My freedom of expression is also violated because I won't be able to gain the same followers I had.

I would like to know similar stories or suggestions from you guys if you have ever faced a similar situation.

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