Twitter CEO Declares Bitcoin To Be "World Currency" Within A Decade; Facebook Flounders

Perhaps Twitter's ad ban on cryptocurrency is merely Bitcoin maximalism, rather than pure anti-cryptocurrency sentiment.

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I still find BookFace pretty scary, personally.

In a commentary I wasn't exactly expecting so soon after the Twitter ad ban, Twitter (and Square payment processor) Jack Dorsey has come out oddly optimistic on Bitcoin, saying he sees it taking the throne of "global digital currency" within 10 years.

Nevertheless, Twitter does not yet appear to accept Bitcoin payments for advertising contracts, rendering a slight discontinuity in the logic being applied here.

Facebook, on the other hand, is far too busy with their cratering stock price and fleeing investors. As of yesterday, you can add Mozilla (the organization behind the browser Firefox) and Commerzbank to the list of advertisers who will no longer do business with Facebook.

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Oops, Zucky lost millions, oh noes.

This is actually a pretty gruesome stock chart, it's just that we are used to such aggressive market carnage in crypto that we forget mainstream, systemically critical stocks like Facebook don't just dump 10%+ without causing worldwide financial ramifications. The amount of investor capital vaporized in this stock dump is enormous, as Facebook alone remains over triple the market cap of Bitcoin itself.

I'm really enjoying watching the unwashed masses turn on Facebook suddenly, now that they have heard about Cambridge Analytica. I have been telling everyone that Facebook has been datamining them and selling that information to the highest bidder, who is usually either a corrupt corporation or globalist, or their puppet politicians. Facebook is an active threat to Democracy, Income Equality, Human Happiness and basically everything good and just.

All I got was years and years of accusations of being a conspiracy theorist for having the gall to refuse to assume a faceless corporation started by a thieving college douche didn't have my best interests at heart.

I truly can't wait for this pig to die, in case you haven't been reading my blog. The day Facebook finally collapses will be a great day for humanity and human happiness. I look forward to welcoming our new "MyBook" overlords.

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Sources: Google, Cointelegraph, ZH, YahooFinance
Copyright: The Office, NASDAQ, Facebook

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