Algorithmic Alchemy: Breaking Through The Social Media Filter




There have been some major shifts in social media leading up to where we are now.

In the early days, these platforms were great ways to get your garage band's newly recorded album out into the world without having to wait for a big label to "discover you".

For artists, social media had become a new way to connect.

This was unprecedented.

The bedroom dj all of a sudden could become as relevant as the "big name" dj.

This upset many people.

On the one hand, it does lower the bar of entry into the market.

You have to dig through a TON of bullshit, because anybody can fart in a microphone and call it "music".

On the other hand, what we started to see was the ceiling of exposure being lifted.

All of a sudden, anyone could make it.

Fucking Susan Boyle could become a worldwide hit overnight.

Everybody wants to pretend they weren't recording their own version of the Harlem Shake...

I am sure if you are reading this YOU didn't do a Harlem Shake video...

but you probably wanted to at some point...

Regardless, anyone reading this article understands the impact that social media can make.

Now, if we go back to the early days of Twitter, Ashton Kutcher was the first person to get 1 million followers on Twitter.

This was FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY to the point that I can link an article about it:

Now, if someone reaches a million followers, they won't even get a fuckin cookie...let alone articles and shit...

"Who the fuck cares Chris?"

I am going somewhere....

Social media outlets are advertising points...

These outlets are selling YOU as a product to advertisers...

Now...that is not a huge deal...

It's been going on since before I was born...

That is not a big deal...

What IS the big deal is that the mediums have become inaccessible to the average person who is not willing to "pay to play".

It was not many years ago that there were articles describing why advertisements come up in your friends' feeds before your own posts...

They did this so it would force users to pay to get into the feeds...

Now, as a business model...I get it...

It is not "illegal" to do this...

However, when you start off appealing to independent artists because it had initially been a platform in which they were NOT being limited vs. the corporate artists, it was a platform that invited the artists...

NOW that Facebook and Twitter have become such corporate entities, they are exploiting the independent artists and users in the same ways of the music industry in the past.

I have been studying their filters.

In some cases, I have been completely censored from getting impressions on Twitter because I have either tweeted something to offend Erdogan and Twitter has started complying with his censorship, OR because I had been figuring out how to get into more feeds.

"But why would Twitter censor you for Tweeting about Erdogan?"

Well, I am SO glad I asked!

You see, this piece of shit Erdogan takes insults so personally that he will try to shut down social media outlets if they let people use them to speak against him...

Being American as Fuck, naturally I decided I must use my freedom to let the world know how much of a piece of Shit Erdogan is...

Well, wouldn't you know...Twitter goes ahead and attempts to censor my account on multiple occasions.

As I posted in the image above, the days when I have 0 impressions, that means 0 people saw anything I tweeted.

Now, it also says 0 tweets. This is because for the periods in which one gets censored, your tweets simply do not register outside your own account.


In light of the recent events in DC, I had gone on a twitter rampage about Erdogan, and Twitter once again censored me...

But this time, something was different...

I had been studying their algorithms...

I knew that once the period of my account being censored was up, there was a more likely chance of my tweets ending up in feeds for some reason...

I decided that I would unleash a string of tweets during this period to see if I could generate a network effect....

boy oh boy...

did it work...

normally, I earn between 30-40,000 impressions per month on Twitter

Now, after this most recent censorship...I was pissed...

I decided to see what I could do in 24 hours using a combination of hashtags and tagging pages to increase the views of what I was putting out there.

I did not put out auto-tweets...

I did every single tweet by hand...

I sent out 73 tweets in 24 hours...

In 24 hours, I earned the same number of impressions that i normally earned in a month period...

This was yesterday :)

Now that platforms like Steemit and ONG are coming out, these ironically "archaic" platforms are going to have to change...

The days of "pay to play" are quickly coming to an end...

The little guys are punching through the filter

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