Ready to pick up steemit

My enthusiasm for Twitter began just last year, after spending many agonizing months feeling frustrated by Facebook's creepy privacy invasions and the general lack of intelligent discourse. Unfortunately, shortly after I made that jump, and just as I was beginning to gain momentum with followers and influence, Twitter started blocking my tweets from appearing anywhere. I know this because overnight, I went from regularly getting hundreds of likes/RTs to literally zero. After several weeks censoring myself, I finally gained back some visibility, but at nowhere near the level it was before.

It was clear then that it was only going to get worse on Twitter. And it has! Twitter regularly censors trending hashtags, like #SethRich and #DNCLeak (the latter of which they attested to in court), and have been removing users like @PoliticsPeach and @AngryBerner, AKA Peter Douche, for bullshit political reasons.

This is unacceptable. It's time to make the move to an uncensored, non-corporate platform, and among my Twitter cohort, Steemit has been gaining steam. I look forward to building something great here and I hope you join me. Migrating is going to be a process, but it should be well worth it!

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