Stressed Times Call for Stressed Measures

general dream stream andrews.png

Herrrooo Dreamers,

We are back at it! This is starting to feel like a new year of kicking ass and taking name!


Our return to Retro Fridays was brilliant!


We completed our search for all 50 red jewels and 100%'ing the game (which included a terrible boss fight for the 50 red jewel "secret" we unlock.)

However, it was the first time ever unlocking this boss battle so it felt good for the completionist in me, but it was very lack luster for the effort of making sure to collect all the red jewels (some you can never seek out after their initial appearance) for a boss fight that explains why the red jewels were being collected but little else.

This didn't diminish the rest of the game where we finally got to use Shadow and his fiery liquid form to battle and dodge foes in new and innovative ways compared to our two previous forms Will and Freedan. We were pretty able to bum rush the rest of our way through the game with our newest form at (from what I could tell) a maxed out level of stats. I had previously forgotten that there was a boss rush inside the Pyramid section of this game and that was a whole lot of fun to experience as we learned different ways to abuse Shadow's iframes to further increase his already OP state.

Alas, after all of that there was still the Tower of Babel where we had to take on Dark Gaia (which as a kid was an extremely ominous boss comparable to the Mana Beast in Secret of Mana.) First sequence of Dark Gaia was fairly easy to both hit and evade the fiery bursts of comet that spewed forth from its "planet-sized" mouth. Dark Gaia's final form was much more menacing until we were able to find a nice rhythm for Shadow's iframes and made quick work of Dark Gaia to complete our mission.

The fun did not stop there for the night!

We jumped into our recently voted on game of Startropics 2 : Zoda's Revenge. I thoroughly enjoy this sequel to an already beloved classic that was Startropics. Many original fans of the first installation weren't too fond of the newest adaptation. The first one was set on puzzles and strategy as the second one morphed slightly into action/adventure which I thought was a perfect twist to a more teenage Mike.

The story begins with Mike being contacted by Mica informing him of her father's message which could help his Dr. Uncle Jones unravel the mystery he had still been trying to solve from the original story. In the process of helping his Uncle, Mike figures out the exact words to activate the notes Dr. Jones had yet it teleports him back in time! Next week we will figure out how come all of this is happening to Mike over a few words blurted from his lips, but until then we wait intensely for Friday to roll around again.



WEEK : 33+

DEATH COUNT : 4 of 16

Tonight's goal is to come up with more boss kills than deaths to maintain the overall positive chances of actually completing a Bloodmoon playthrough. If the night starts to go poorly, we will adjust gears and speedrun some Necromancer% (a segmented speedrun of Darkest Dungeon) as we know the Dungeon can giveth and taketh away at any time it chooses.

These ^ horrible enemies could be what ruins our chances of advancing. Look at it sway mockingly in our direction! Bah! The Dreamers will prevail, some day.

Even a Bloodmoon spends a moment in time to Dream.

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