Return of the Dream

general dream stream andrews.png

Herrrooo Dreamers,

Two weeks feels like forever, however got some real bad RNG and soft-locked into a cold post Christmas and it zapped my energy. The lack of energy led to additional naps that aren't a part of my regimen and thus the blogging fell to the way side. Until now!



Surprisingly, the last two weeks of Chip 'N Dale runs on Retro Fridays have been similar in route and sum of best improvement; however, the new shiny PB continues to elude both sinister1 and I. The corners have become sharper, the timing for perfect damage boosts continue to tighten and the game slowly turns into a masterpiece on the screen.

The more and more practice for us will be paramount as Calithon in March will be the first on the road act sinister1 and I take on in 2019. I hope to continue to improve on this run so we could take this to an even larger scale event like an SGDQ someday. Sinister's last Retro Friday pre-AGDQ was the other night and was it a dozy!

3 PB's in one night! All of that hard work practice paid off as we got a 1 second PB, matched that 1 second PB but milliseconds faster, and then a 5 second PB to finish with a time of 9:40. The last Chip 'N Dale run for weeks couldn't have ended any better than how Part 1 of Retro Fridays had ended. The blood, sweat, tears and cheers all came into play. What this means is new strats have to be unleashed on tough stages like Fat Cat (also called stage J). The night capped off with more Illusion of Gaia 100% playthrough, I had wanted to finish off the game but there was more content left than I had remembered and we will finish it the following Retro Friday!


Original Bloodmoon Update : FAILED

Yeah, it was a terrible turn of events when we were clearing out Veteran level bosses or basic quests on Champion level. The first chance at death was hit for a DEATH BLOW on so many occasions you wonder how you ever survived any in the past. Our run game to an end around week 51 or 52. The stress was REAL that night as we transitioned into speedruns of Necromancer% to shift our focus away from the Bloodiest of runs yet.

Our next Bloodmoon run has been a breath of fresh air so far!

Current Week : 18
Bosses Wiped : 3 (all Apprentice tier)

I skipped using antivenom on LimeJade (Grave Robber level 1) during the last phase of the Wandering Prophet boss fight that sapped some savvy game play up til then. The pacing of our current run is one I am really happy with as I think it gives us an actual chance at making a realistic Bloodmoon challenge push.


Partnerversary Sunday was wonderful as we played a ton of different games through the evening celebrating a milestone achievement together. We began the night in Just Chatting as we discussed things to come in the future of the Dream Stream, what we had enjoyed up til now and what was going on for the evening at hand.

The gaming portion of the night started off with the showcase of theBLURapp before we switched gears back into Speedrun Sunday fashion and reintroduced old speedrunning gems. We ran a couple runs of Zelda : Link's Awakening, a couple of incomplete runs of EarthBound Boogey% and capped the night off with some Chip 'N Dale Any% solo runs where we almost got 2 minutes worth of time save on just by me switching to AVS versus emulation.

Our most recent Speedrun Sunday was showcasing more and more original hardware. We spent the night again in Just Chatting to warm up as I showed off all the different Retro wears I had garnered from local flea markets in the area. I had added an NES, SNES, Gameboy Color, Sega Genesis and Sega Dreamcast to my console collection. Consoles weren't the only Retro wares I nabbed from the markets, but came across some games I had to have such as Mega Man 2, 3, 4 and TMNT 1,2,3 among other classics like Toe Jam & Earl, Golden Axe, and Vectorman.

I spent a majority of the end of the show running Mega Man 2 trying to adjust to running it on AVS (soon to be NES) from emulator and there's going to be an adjustment period but one that will be worth it. I want to hunt for that sub 30 minute Mega Man 2 Normal, zipless time.


A Turtles' Christmas Charity Special was a major hit!

Our goal of $500 to go towards was smashed and we pulled in $1073 on Christmas eve!

Well this meant that Dospostmann and I had 21 different runs we had to run to fulfill the goals we had set at varying levels. One of those runs we had to complete included Leo & Raphael + bickering and a highly anticipated 2 players 1 controller run of TMNT IV : Turtles In Time. We had gotten through so many runs, 16 runs we owed the Dreamers were completed on Christmas Eve into Christmas Day morning. The energy, the chatter, the positive vibes were happening and we were gunning to complete every single run but alas after almost 13 hours we gave into the Chris Kringle feels and called it a night.

New Year's Eve happened and we were right back at the Turtles Runs that we owed the Dreamers from the week previous. We were on TMNT 2, TMNT 1 and a marathon of TMNT 1, 2, 3 & 4 in a row to go. We got to Shredder once again and died on the final boss on our first attempt of TMNT 2, then we had a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) during our 2nd attempt, and thankfully it was just a hiccup and we were able to come back and we rocked a 51:11 to boot!

We then transitioned into the dreaded TMNT 1 Runs that we were stuck on ALL night. However, it was amazing to see the growth in our play and how confident we have become in feeling we can beat this game once and for all. I was also able to glitch the game as well! Here is a clip of me clipping in the Technodrome which was the first time I had ever done any sort of intended glitching in TMNT 1.

However, as awesome as all of that was I continued to butcher the spacemen section of the Technodrome and died on the sub-boss fight shortly before Shredder. What does this mean? More crazy TMNT antics on the fist Monday of the new year!


We will further save this discussion for our next post as there is so much to catch up on as the story has just began to heat up. To some excruciating crime-coefficients!

Yeah, this guy, he may look simple, but his mind flows like a million tributaries working as one as his puppets play and dance as he pleases. Beware of Shogo Makishima, a tall young man with long white hair and amber-colored eyes. He wears a variety of outfits, ranging from a yellow and black jacket with gray trousers 3 to a green pullover with a white shirt beneath. 4 Despite the fact that he possesses a callous nature, his facial expressions depict a variety of emotions. He is physically agile and strong — a skilled fighter, as demonstrated during his first fight with Shinya Kogami who he defeats with just a few blows. 5

His description borrowed from the Pyscho-Pass wiki truly describes his outward appearance but conveniently covers the wolf beneath the sheets. Beware Dreamers for this gentle looking man might already have a diabolical plan waiting for you.

Dream the good Dream!

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