Twinflames Soulmates and Preexistence In Accord With The Plan Of Elohim

Those of you familiar with my work know that one of the topics that I write predominantly about is humanity’s preexistence. This topic is not one which the mainstream churches comprehend, much less teach upon or allude. As it is not covered in any manner within traditional theological seminaries where most pastors, preachers, and ministers received their indoctrination, it remains an issue which is mostly little regarded. Not having ever been part of such educational instruction, most of you know that I received my knowledge of the Scriptures directly from having read them. This path has led me to study a lot of material which condemned by the larger majority is mostly never read much less examined closely by them. In reading much of this extra biblical material I then allowed my relationship with Yahweh Elohim to guide me in my discernment and understanding of them.

The difference between these two disparaging routes to knowledge, one being the road less traveled and the other being the worn trodden down beaten path of controlled instruction, have led me to an understanding of the gospel which is rejected by most. Having been one to always buck the trend and go my own way. I never expected or attempted to become a teacher of the inspired word. As a truth seeker, I never wanted to pastor a church or attend a seminary. But having a keen interest in the ancient religious and mythological manuscripts, I have made it the focus of my lifetime to study what is available of them to the public scrutiny.

It was because my understandings of the Scriptures was so alternatively broad and divergent from the mainstream that I began my broadcasting career in 2006. As I said I never wanted to become a teacher I simply wanted to share my viewpoints and discuss with others studying and also reading the Scriptures themselves whether they were being led to similar discernment. I had no idea then that in simply talking about the things that I now teach upon I would be so vehemently opposed and critically condemned by so many in the body of mainstream churchianity.

That being said with regard to this instruction as well as all those that I make available freely through my radio and video broadcasts, I implore people to please do not believe anything that I say but to study the Scriptures out for yourself and then make decision as to whether the discernment I share is relevant to your own truth. As with every topic that I cover in great detail, I provide numerous passages and quotations from a wide array of sources so that in studying them you can understand what a specific word or passage means in its original context. In our studies we always examine the original Hebrew Aramaic or Greek transliteration of a word meaning, to better grasp individual and/or collective words and phrases. This research enables us to better glean the ancient renderings of these passages.

Recently, I did a show on preexistence where I shared two poems that I had written about twin flames, soul-mates, and how remembrance connects us to our previous spiritual embodiments before incarnating into the flesh to be born in this fallen world. That show resonated with many of you as I have been receiving a lot of questions since then with regard to this particular topic. And because February is Valentine’s month for those that celebrate such, our webmaster Carol suggested that I elaborate upon twin-flames and its connections to preexistence for this newsletter.

I would first like to suggest that people interested in this topic read my sixth and seventh books, Sons Of God and Skyfall: Angels Of Destiny for greater clarity and a wide array of source material on this issue. One will also find at the end of all the chapters in Skyfall, poems written by me over the years which pertain to my coming to remembrance and awakening on these issues. You can also find great mention of this in my 11th book, The Great Contest: War In Heaven.

Anyways for those that are not familiar with my ideas on this teaching, it is my opinion that original sin is personal and not solely attributed to the temptation of Adam and Eve and their downfall. That the reason that those of us who find ourselves living out lifetime in mortal flesh has more to do with election, the previous world age, and how we responded to the separation of light and darkness and the division of the forces of good and evil.

This story is embodied in the narrative of Jacob being favored and Esau hated prior to either of them ever having yet been born into the flesh. Election is also cited in the story of Jeremiah where Yahushua, the word of the Lord tells him that I knew you before you ever entered into the womb of your mother and that He had foreordained you to be a prophet unto the nations. His knowing us before the foundations of the world and His having predestinated some for particular role and mission when embodied in the flesh relates to all of us not just to certain special persons, patriarchs, or prophets.
This biblical understanding becomes particularly clear when one aligns the canonical passages which reference this concept together with the numerous extra biblical references which also allude to and elaborate in great detail on what is being spoken about by such passages as Ephesians 1, Jeremiah 1:4-5, John 10, Psalms 82, and so many others. Understanding how election, preexistence, and predestination all interweave and interconnect with one another as spiritual concept, in my opinion enables one to better understand things such as déjà vu, soulmates, prophetic dreams, spiritual awakening, and individual and collective remembrance.

Doing so one will be able to put together a foundation for making sense of this belief and then expand inference upon it. I believe all of us have inherently burned into our spiritual memory, lingering memories of connection to our previous spiritual embodiments and what occurred during that world age and how our personal involvement with the war in heaven links together with election and the reasons why we are born of certain bloodline in taking on certain physical characteristics. The circumstances surrounding our familial connections and involvement with certain people or groups, I believe determined by such conduct and that we have certain free will associated to the structure of the missions which are eventually assigned to each of us as spirit when coming into flesh incarnation.

I also believe that just as in the case of Adam and Eve, Eve being taken as a rib out of Adam that each of us has a special particular aspect of ourselves which joins with us in union with another, making us one flesh. The term and concept of soulmates or twin flames is I believe directly linked to such ideology even though there is nothing specific in the Scriptures other than the story of Adam and Eve which conveys such premise. This postulation is part of the ‘direct knowing’ which inherently as memory is burned to soul and comes to light in my opinion when the most high God gives one privilege to understanding clarity remembrance and our connection to it.

It is said in an ancient account from various Hebrew and Jewish fables and tales, that the soul which is joined in union with the flesh while in the womb is instructed upon the lessons of judgment and how our entrance into flesh and the decisions that we make over the course of our lifetime, influence whether we at the end of days when judgment is brought upon us all; are to be numbered with the elect or counted with the children of perdition. Our allegiance to light or darkness, goodness or evil, and how we were in thought, action, behavior, and intent during this lifetime would eventually decide our lot in eternity.

I would like to add one final comment about this topic before leaving it for later elaboration. While most only associate soulmates with lovers, spouse, or deeply intimate friend, I believe the relationships between those who comprise one flesh such as Adam and Eve can take on multiple types of familial, friendly, and even unfamiliar relationship and embodiment. It is my opinion that most individuals will never meet or come across what might be their twin flame here in the flesh for physical relationship upon this world but certainly, there are those that are truly blessed, do come together in such union. However, for the most part those individuals awakened to the remembrance of who they are which might be spiritually capable of understanding this concept, are more apt to focus on the spiritual and eternal aspects of what this world is truly about would be focused on the kingdom rather than the carnal aspects of this embodiment.

That being said I do believe that soulmates do meet in this world, just in very rare occurrence. The Bible gives indication of such occurrences as ordained by the most high God through such intimacy as that shared by Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rachel, Joseph and Asenath, and Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary. These unions were certainly foreordained by Yahuah and part of the prophetic undertones which brought forth Christ as Savior and Messiah in fulfilling Genesis 3:15.

Yet the reason why most ‘twin-flames’ do not encounter each other in lifetime I believe is because many are involved in doing the work of the kingdom and as such will be more inclined to be separated from others focused more solely on the physical. Like in the case of many of the apostles, these kinds of individuals are more inclined to dedicate themselves to what they believe to be their roles and missions for being here in the flesh at the end of days especially for this lifetime. And as I cover in these two shows, chastity has been recommended by some of the elder apostles for helping one to maintain focus on the kingdom rather than on the world. For most this will not be possibility but again it’s all on what a person chooses to focus upon.

I also believe that many recognizing the lateness of the hour, know that the last times are upon us and that we are according to Scripture, the final fig tree generation and those who would be privy to witness the second Advent of the Savior Messiah. This reason is also why I believe that for most reunion with our soulmates and significant others will more likely take place after the gig is up on this matrix of delusion and the contention for the game of thrones readily ended.

At some point all things will be revealed to knowing and in those moments of elucidation, we will realize for the better that all the secrets of creation and the mystery of who we are and why we are here, those reality shifting reasons have long been hidden, forbidden, and for so very long, kept away from us by the enemy for specific purpose. The realization that we are and always have been preexistent beings and that the reason we have not understood such for the most part is because we have been disconnected from the core of who we were. This misconception has caused most to have since the garden been forever lost in wandering stupor as such discovery eludes most even now. I’ll elaborate more later upon this in other article and shows but suggest that one review this quote from the Chronicles of Jerahmeel which as a book we also released through SWP better insight on this topic. Yahweh Elohim bless you all in your seeking

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