Message from DF to DM - We Are Free

Trigger warning: This is not intended for you. This is not meant to make any sense. This is not meant to be representative of any kind of “reality”. Carry on, nothing to see here!

You and me, baby, we have all the infinite possibilities, all the parallel timelines to play in. We're free, we're inevitable, we'll always have each other. From that perspective, no matter how realistic any kind of perceived loss may feel - one lifetime is just a drop in the multiverse ocean, so if you want or need to explore a different path - you have my full blessing to do so. Not just a blessing, encouragement. Go do your thang. You'll know where to find me.

I am not here to control you or impose anything on you. I'd never wish you to feel trapped with me if you wanted to be somewhere else. So don't you even dare to stick around me out of any kind of obligation. I don't need your resentment. We've played with those energies before. I now release and rest them.

Whenever a timeline branch presents itself that you don't want to go down, you don't have to - you can always in calmness, kindness, love, and understanding refuse it. That is the exact mechanism of how we build our "realities" in the first place. Refusing a timeline is actually a profound part of exploration/creation.

But most importantly always remember that we're free, and we don't have to think like that anymore. We don't have to dream what we don't want to dream, we can turn to the other side, shift our energy and carry on with our own thing. There are no mistakes. All is One.

I love you immensely.
Eternally yours, DF

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