šŸŗ Introduce yourself again - 12 Questions

12 Questions

So Iā€™ve been around on steemit for a bit now. Been quite enjoying this place, mostly minding my own businessā€¦.. Doing my own thing.
Draw a littleā€¦ write a littleā€¦ having a good time.

In comes @dreemsteem with her armed fireflies Forcing me to do this 12 Question type of challengeā€¦.
Wellā€¦. I most certainly am one that would step away from a challengeā€¦ (I Am a slacker after allā€¦)

But yeahā€¦ Iā€™m pretty damn sure @dreemsteem owns a gunā€¦ So I decided I rather be a living slacker than a dead slackerā€¦. So I compliedā€¦ Here we go

Question time.

1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Starting off with the easy questions I like that.

  1. Momā€™s lasagna. (yeah yeah everyone says their momā€™s lasagna is the bestā€¦ well let me tell youā€¦ my momā€™s lasagna would beat the living shit out of your momā€™s lasagna)
  2. Big ass BBQā€™ed stake with mashed potatoes
  3. I was going to say chili con carneā€¦ but I think the other people in the ISS would float meā€¦ so Iā€™m going to go for a big bowl of cereals with milk (Cereal first than milk. Calm down)

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

Probably the section with the add with the guy chilling in a hammock with a beer in a hand and a laptop covered in sand beneath him with a cheezy line like
ā€Workā€¦ why botherā€

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

I guess Iā€™d go back to somewhere 25 ā€“ 28 when you look old enough to do whatever you want, but your body still thinks it is quite indestructible. (no senior discounts thoughā€¦ upsideā€¦ you can still just pass for studentā€¦ so yay student discounts)

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Is slacking a sport? Or procrastinating? Nohā€¦? Ohā€¦ ah well in this day and age with the society we live in Iā€™m sure soon weā€™ll have ā€Participation prizesā€ at the Olympics just for showing upā€¦ So any will doā€¦

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

Time travelā€¦ sounds like a hassleā€¦ can I go back to before I started this questionnaire? Or back to my first 2 weeks in South Africa

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

My own technological superior island

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

Never really had a concrete bucket list so hard to sayā€¦ Iā€™m just going to guess yes.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

How to travel between dimensions

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

Wellā€¦ for startersā€¦ what are you asking exactly?
Bad witch as in sucking at being a witch?
Or bad witch as in an evil one?
Very confusing question!

Can I just be a wizard instead?

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

Easy one! Common fricking sense! Something severely lacking in this day and ageā€¦.

11. Which band / artist ā€“ dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Guns ā€˜n roses hands down!

12. What book or movie have you read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

The Dark tower. (the books! Donā€™t even acknowledge the film! The film did not happen does not exist!). In my opinion one of Stephen Kings best sagas right on par with the lord of the rings

I guess at this point I am supposed to say who will be the next victim....

Well If you are reading this... consider yourself next.

so... ok. bye
šŸŗ @wolv

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