Travels With Catweasel #1 12 Question Challenge

I'm not so good with titles, so I just went with something I know. That's why.

Come to think of it, I'm not so good with these challenge things either. Looking at the flashing cursor I'm wondering what I was thinking? I guess I know. When there was no cursor my thought was 'how hard can this be?'
I really can't tell you the answer to that question, but I can SHOW you. Proof to follow.

One nice thing about working with a Catweasel challenge format can go out the window. SultnPappa was the first to respond and he tossed a monkey wrench in the gears pretty well so I'll throw another in for good measure.

I challenge @zen-art, @princessmewmew and BroncoFan99. You don't have to sort through this whole mess to accept, but you might want to take a look at the questions down at the bottom before you start writing. I mean it is about the questions after all. I mean the parts that aren't about me. Which is pretty important in the overall scheme of things.


No particular reason, I have just always liked Chuck Taylor All Stars

Without further ado, my 12 questions. Actually Catweasel's questions, my answers

What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

I think I would start in Cottonwood, Arizona at an upscale place named Randall's. It's in a strip mall and I think it may have once been a car dealership, but their 'Chili Verde Chicken Fried Steak' is to die for. An in house prepared Chicken Fried Steak smothered with Chili Verde (Green Chili) and topped with cheese. It ticks all the food pyramid boxes. I honestly don't know a thing about the rest of their menu because I had it the first time there and every time since.

Next would be the Alamo Restaurant in Salton City, CA. It isn't authentic Mexican food, it IS Mexican food. No bad choices on this menu. And it looks like a boat pointed at the Salton Sea.

Last but certainly not least would be Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City, MO. Best BBQ ever. You all can keep your pretenders, Arthur's wins. The New York Times rated it #1 in America in the 70s. Arthur is gone now, but his Granddaughter keeps the place going just fine. Last time there I got 10 pounds of ribs for the road and didn't have to stop to eat till I got home.

What section of the newspaper would you be?

Comics. Not cause I'm particularly funny, but I always think I am. Like today's comics. Not particularly funny, but I keep trying.

If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop ageing at and why?

At 33. I was just a stud physically, there was simply nothing I couldn't do.
Broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip,
everybody knew you didn't give no lip
to Big Tom.

What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

The 100 Meter Dash. I was born slow and slowed down. I always ran pretty fast just-too long in one place. I'd like to see how the other half lives.

If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

Hardest question in the batch. One million BC? I'd love to see what the world really looked like, and maybe I'd run into Raquel Welch. Nah. I believe I'd head for the 1770s when the US was born. Those guys threw off a Monarchy and nobody had ever even thought about doing that. Life without a King? Preposterous.

If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

A clean burning power source. I hope we haven't fouled our nest beyond redemption. Might as well make it turn some Horsepower while I'm at it, a little fun is good for all of us.

Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

At my age, my list better be a hell of a lot closer to done that not. I'm not at the end of the road, but I can see it from where I stand. Yes, I have completed much of my list. Not least among them is that I saw Peggy Flemming and Dorthy Hamil skate and Olga Korbut and Nadia Comaneche on the balance beam in the same year.

What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

That Quarks are made of something and are not the smallest particles of matter.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

That depends on which definition of witch you go which. I'd guess I'm a good whitch unless I'm not, in which case I am a bad witch. Unless I can be a pure vanilla 'neither' witch.

If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

Driver's Education. Look the hell out for motorcycles people! The life you save could be mine.

Which band/artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Rolling Stones. If I get a funeral Sympathy for the Devil will be played. Shattered, probably also. Keith Richards having been completely embalmed by the age of 30 could have been the Scientific Discovery from above.

What book or movie read/seen recently would you recommend and why?

The Signal and the Noise by Mitch Silver. I am a stats and predictions geek and just can't help myself. Mitch Silver is the Guru and wrote a really good book about probabilities. Did you know that the worst, the very worst statistical predictions are by economists? Much worse than weathermen and bookies. He unfortunately did not include crypto predictions in his study.

Here are the questions:

What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?
What section of the newspaper would you be?
If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop ageing at and why?
What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?
If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?
If time and money were no barrier what would you create?
Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Which band/artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?
What book or movie read/seen recently would you recommend and why

And here are the rules set by Catweasel:

Answer each of the 12 questions.
Nominate 3 or more victims.
Acknowledge (this rule does that) the originator of these questions, @hobotang. His is the best introduceyourself post I have read, possibly better than mine.
Include the questions.
Include the rules.
Tag your post with #twelvequestions

And for crying out loud, you don't have to be challenged to do this thing. If the spirit moves you, write the post. If something else moves you take two aspirin and check with Catweasel. He's a doctor.

You want some real motorcycle travel? Check out Velimir. That’s some kind of motorcycle writing.

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