My in depth analysis of Chris Hardwick and Chloe Dykstra sexual assault allegation

I haven't forgotten about my beloved Steemit, I'm just struggling to get things done in time for the big Comic-con.

I have been blogging a bit about the Hardwick vs Dykstra situation, you can give those a read if you like. I don't want payment for these but I also don't have time to figure out how to change the I'll donate whatever you send to an organization that helps victims ( I'll find a good one) have only my word on that, until I DO, and then you will know my word is good.

I wrote a few blogs in the past two weeks about the sexual assault accusation against The Talking Dead host, Chris Hardwick. Quite a few people saw them, a few of those people are well known....and...that is apparently how something goes viral. I expected to catch way more flak actually, but didn't really catch any, possibly because as per f*cking usual, I made a lot of sense. I usually make a lot of sense because I usually don't comment on a subject unless I'm knowledgeable in it (of it? about it?). You ever hear me comment of the JFK assassination? No, because I don't know jack squat about it. To use football terminology - I stay in my lane.

I went on about the matter because it is an issue that is important to me, it has affected people I care about and I think sexual assault is a serious as murder. I have seen what it does to people. And I think, regardless of who did what to who, this whole thing was handled in a dangerously juvenile way, that is bad for all of us especially the victims.

I have links to those blogs here with my insight and analysis of the fiasco as it progressed, if you're interested. You're welcome to just skip them, since my serious take on that type of subject isn't what you signed up for...and if you have no interest in hearing from a guy who draws cartoon fetuses about a matter as serious as this...who could blame you for that?

In any case...

My initial thoughts and analysis are HERE

My thoughts as the story progressed are HERE

and, to my mind, the most important blog, directed at victims, is HERE

My thoughts on all the evidence and character witnesses that came out / what it all points to and why is HERE

My blog after Dykstra was make changes to the blog/accusation is HERE

I'll probably comment on it again by the time all the dust has settled.

If you are of the mind that comedians should just shut the f*ck up with their opinions and tell jokes...I am right there with you buddy. 100%. But, like I said, this is a subject that's important to me, so as a happy medium, they'll be on the blog page but probably not sent out directly...unless it's something earth shattering or I can put a comedic spin on it.

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