A Living Snapshot


Christina and Charlie had never been happier.

“Christina, smile for the camera. Beautiful. Radiant.”

Snapshot captured.

“Look out Vogue Magazine, here she comes.”

“Oh Charlie, you’re such an optimist.”

“Well someone was worried about losing her girlish figure,” Charlie remarked.

“I have gotten more modeling gigs during my pregnancy.”


One month later, Charlie rushed his wife to the hospital. Labor was induced. Hours passed.

The doctor sighed, “Charlie we did all we could.”

“Lord help. I must tell Christina.”

“Charlie, you have a baby girl, but Christina didn’t make it.”

Clenching the acceptance letter from Vogue, Charlie wept uncontrollably.

I hope you enjoyed this 100-word short story that I penned using the prompt words “figure and someone” created by @jayna in the 100-Word Micro-Fiction Contest hosted by @thewritersblock.


Created in PhotoFunia

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