Plainclothes Prophets [Day 14]

Plainclothes Prophets.png

I write your name, a mark
on the proverbial chalkboard,
a self-imposed discipline
a natural selection, reaction;

a line of chalk erased away
in a cloud of carcinogenic smoke
frantic, a fever malaise
hurriedly smeared in passing
cross the sidewalk to the playground;

erasure susurrus,
while I argue with the space
between everything you owe
and conjoined twin cars
holding hands on the beltway.

A response to see
not to see,
and that was never the question;

knowing isn’t half the battle,
that's plainclothes prophet speak
reciting the parable
of the prodigal son
an asshole.

A burst of light
idealizing Chernobyl,
a nuclear holocaust,
free of fear
free of people.

“everything is going to be”
so now we know the future?

Pinned to celestial corkboards,
calendars with 'inspiring' quotes
imparted by cats with speech circles
are we amateurs suturing black hole features,
a bank heist nose gone sideways and
buckets free of fluid?

To say it's cause and effect
is another way of saying
everything happens for a reason.

Disillusionment is a difficult pill to swallow,
hard to get fulfilled
and harder yet to borrow;
spell the end of bottles
the beginning of bottles.

I read your name, a mark
on a granite stepping stone
flowers dying on your hearth,
gentle reminder, we're all alone.

So now we know chalk outlines
and hopscotch boxes know the future,

visited my local diviner,
pleated fingers to steeples;
cards saying I hope I die dreaming,
in my sleep, warm and cozy
I hope I die screaming.


RiP, Jordan. not a day goes by that you wouldn't have made the world a better place.

Written for @Uniwhisp's Steemotion show she hosts on The Minnow Support discord channel on Fridays, 8pm UTC - this week featuring anger and the many facets thereof.

also written for free-verse poetry maven @d-pend's revolutionary poetry initiative The 100 Day Poetry Challenge [Advanced Group] undertaken for Steemit School where @d-pend will be hosting a daily poetry show at 6 PM GMT.

thank you for the read
@isleofwrite logo design by @PegasusPhysics
header photo base is 'St. Patrick's College's Grave Yard' taken by William Murphy and is CC2.0

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