ECHO (2024) - Taloa - Episode 4 - RECAP


ECHO (2024) - Taloa - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Not if but as I rate every episode of the series I have to say this is the best of all so far, probably it didn't have much action but does have what the rest of the episodes lack and its history, background, context, when you rush into action scenes without the why, the purpose and reason for things to happen the content tend to suck, reason why this episode is the best one so far and have a feeling the next episode is similar but since it would be the last episode of this mini series is going to have a not so pleasant ending for most viewers.
ECHO Episode 4 Taloa finally explain with more details how Maya got involve in this world of violence and if she was ever force into by any traumatic episode but it was not the case, she is violent by nature and if the proper word is not violent then ruthless when she needs, we see Kingpin beating up a guy who made fun of her when she was little and instead of been afraid when Kingpin was cover in the guy's blood she actually join him and kick the guy reveling that she didn't got into that world for necessity or force but she like it, this episode as the other ones brings in another character in the line of successors of the Choctaw Warriors, in this case Maya's mother Taloa who had the power of a healer, makes me think that this are all powers that Maya will have to exploit latter if there is any other kind of production where she shows up, so its not only strength she do have other abilities from each of the women mention on previous episodes. - tv series divider
ECHO (2024) - Taloa - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


Until now there was very little we knew how Maya got into the gangster world of her family, we knew her father was a wanted man, that's how Maya lost her leg and her mom died during an accident caused by someone who cut her father break lines getting them hurt, they next move to New York where her father kept dealing and hustling on the wrong side until for some reason Kingpin order to kill him, kill his own brother, the only reason why this would happen is high treason, he was probably stealing from him and got caught. Kingpin on this series is similar to what I remember as a kid when I watch Spider-Man animated series where Kingpin show up, he was immensely strong that not even Peter could break out of his strong hold but was still human, no real super powers, seems like this time Kingpin has tech on his side so who knows how much the character could change if they do any other series where he also show up but I think it could be very unlikely since it was decided to make this a mini series.


On episode 3 the last scene shown was kipping waiting for Maya at her parents old house in Tamaha, different that most would think he was not there for revenge or to kill her, Kingpin wanted to talk and make peace with Maya, he gave her a very cool piece of tech, a contact lense that serve as a interpreter between him and Maya so they could understand each other without Kingpin having to know sign language since Maya is deaf, this kind of technology make sense during times like this when AI is the hot topic because that's the only way how something like this would work, the AI model can listen to Kingpin voice and starts to generate the drawings of hands using sign language so Maya could understand what he was saying, he is a high profile man who can't share his life with everyone and the last interpreter he had to communicate with Maya he had to kill her, she knew everything between them.


It still a bit confusing of why Kingpin wants to make peace with Maya so badly, during the mini series they never mention if he had a daughter, family, they also didn't mention why he killed Maya's father or if he just feels bad for leaving Maya alone in this world so he took her under his wing, take in consideration when this happen Maya was not a kid anymore as the first image shows, so he was always close to her, but why this unconditional love that he had for her? she try to kill him and even told him to his face when he comes back, he recognize what she wants, he is ready to give her the empire she wants, Kingpin would probably let her believe she is in charge but that would be dangerous for him, giving her so much power after she already had the courage to try to kill him in cold blood, I'm not sure if that's the best option for him.


Since Maya got back to Tamaha Henry has been her biggest soporter despite not been fully, she goes to Henry and explain him what happen and that Kingpin just offer her been the "Queenpin", as expected Henry who has more expirience and time working for him knows this is all a lie to keep her close and use her, there is something special that Kingpin sees about Maya, probably how effective she have been on all her previouse missions that he wont let her go at least not soo easy, Henry knows this without getting all the details and epxlain her how been close to Kingpin ruin his live and now doesnt want the same for her, Kingpin is the reason he is 45 years old and lone because the life style takes everything and everyone good out of him and he wants whats best for her, obviously Maya is still hurt by everyone in Tamaha who was with her as a child after her father died everyone went radio silent and she was left alone in New York, not really alone but her family was not there for her.



Context is the name of the episode, Maya had this kinda black outs before but this time got bad to the point that Henry took her to see Chula, Maya's grandmother to get some answers; Maya didn't know how or when she got there, Chula tries to sweet her up at first but Maya breaks the ice and told her not to pretend everything is fine so they got straight to the point, ends up been that Chula has this black outs too, everyone down the line of succession had it too from Lowak to Maya at some point see what her ancestors went through everytime there is danger and they need help or guidance, Chula ask Maya to forgive her, she was afraid and alone when Taloa died and could not see Maya to the face without seen Taloa the pain was so big she decied to stay away, Maya is young and this is hard to process but as always rage is the aswer for her but now at least she knows what all this visions are and that its her ancestors try to guide her and help in the moments of need, Maya knows there is a power inside her but its the question of how to harness this power and use it.


Maya and Henry were looking at each other thinking who could have given that order, Henry knew there was only one person who could, Kingpin; Maya did shoot him in the face but hey the guy has a big head, Henry is now willing to help Maya because there is no way back, they already attempt to kill Maya and him, well even Bonnie was onboard on that job, Maya goes back to her parents old house and there he was, waiting for her, Kingpin himself in the flesh, walking and talking the most impressive part, Maya look mad when they saw each other and afraid at first. - tv series divider

ECHO (2024) - Taloa - Episode 4 - RECAP -

The amount of context on this episode is very satisfiying, from all the previous episodes this has been the best one so far, there was not a single action scene and still the drama kept me watching how things start to unfold, it does makes me want Maya to kill Kingpin specially after so many oportunities but she never did, the espidoes also sets expectations, you know she might kill him but the way he talks and express about Maya he never will, this turns to be a secundary message coming from the episode just by the way Kingpin acts towards Maya.
Maya still needs answers about her powers and how to controll them, something will make her go back to Kingpin but in this case what would be it since both are going out of Tamaha, the only thing that comes to mind is that Kingpin goes against her family just as Henry told him he will, same way he did with him, ths puts clear that you can't tell Kingpin NO even if you are family. - tv series divider


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