ROSEANNE! If You Need a Job. I Need a Maid!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen, or opened their mouths and made dumb comments OR TWEETS that get them in a bit of trouble… SO much trouble, in fact, that the “trickle down” effect drives over them like a train full of semi trucks. Really, Rosanne? An “ape?”

PS… If you don’t already know this by now, Rosanne tweeted in regards to ex-Obama aide, Valerie Jarrett (see below):

The internet went crazy. Wanda Sykes quit the series as head writer. ABC fired her racist ass. Hulu pulled all episodes of the previous incarnation of her show. MANY people lost their jobs.

She tried to apologize but, an apology JUST isn’t enough this time, asshole.

Nice job, you fucking bitch! I’m sure Joe the grip is really happy that all of a sudden, he’s out of work. You’re just like the person you love so freaking much, you’ve decided to reenact his buffoonery in your television arena and screwing hard working people who just want to make some money and survive.

I can’t understand how, with THIS happening now that we have a POSPOTUS (I bet if you think about it long enough, you’ll be able to figure it out) that gets away with the things he does, says the things he says and does whatever the HELL he DOES do… Which I’m still questioning by day, hour and minute.

I KNOW Rosanne isn’t HIM but, this is an example of just how ridiculous this whole thing is… ALL OF IT. Yet, she can’t get away with it but, he still does. We got to wake up. This is nuts. He and the whole regime needs to be ousted just like ABC kicked loud mouth, Barr to the curb without thinking twice.

Valerie Jarret was quoted in saying “I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment.” Agreed, but, will it HAPPEN? I just don’t even know. When the REAL issues are at hand, it seems to fall on deaf ears, blind eyes and well, let’s face it, scared idiots.

Just hours after, ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey announced ABC was cancelling the second revival season of the show, because “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values…” Good for you ABC. Bad for the rest of the cast and crew of the “Rosanne” re-boot. I know a lot of those people will be OK and find new work and such, especially the co-stars but, we really do need to learn from this and keep the momentum going further up the proverbial “food chain.” Hell, he IS a reality show star. We need to set an example of him like ABC did to the big mouth bigot who once had a hit show and now has to hit the bricks.

Maybe there’s a silver lining to all this. Maybe this is a tide that needed turning before REAL change starts. Figures it would start with a TELEVISION SHOW! We can only hope.

Here’s a kitten to cheer ME up. Hope it makes your day a bit better too.

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