New Girl, Spoilers

The New Girl Finale is Coming!

And I am very, very excited!

Last May New Girl Fans waited on pins and needles to find out if their beloved show would return. The last episode of season 6 seemed rushed, and wrapped everything up in a neat little package. Many fans response to that episode, myself included, were all…

We waited, patiently, through relationship after relationship!

We watched for years, with bated breath, will Jess end up with Nick? We sat patiently, lovingly, as Jess waded through the dating pool. I personally, liked her relationships with Paul and Sam, obviously Nick was the best. We cringed through the fling with Gavin Schmidt. Oh, how could I forget Robby? I actually began to ship Jess and Robby more that Jess and Nick. They worked so well together, too well maybe? The fandom still cried out for Jess and Nick to get back together.

And then there was Reagan...

What on Earth did Nick see in her? She wouldn't even read his book! The internet forums exploded with dislike for this character, and the pairing. I admit, I was on this bandwagon for the majority of Regan's existence in the loft. The show needed her. I would have been okay with New Girl following CeCe and Winston while Jess was in jury duty. A lot of Nick's girlfriends were weird pairings, except for Tran's granddaughter. I liked her.

Winnie the Bish.

Winston quickly became my favorite character on the show. He never got the plot line he deserved until last season, and they freaking rush it! Winston was always around, but he never had a substantial story line, except he was a weirdo with a cat, who couldn't land a lady. He joins the LAPD and falls in love with his partner. While this relationship got decent screen time, I could have used more Winston.

Schmidt and CeCe

The other major love story in New Girl. These two bought a house, survived a renovation, and started a business. As we found out earlier in the series, CeCe would have a lot of trouble having a baby the longer she waited, which is why she tried the arranged marriage, but ultimately ended back with Schmidt. But by a miracle, near the end of last season CeCe got knocked up. Hooray! We also found out Schmidt's first name, Winston....

What's to Come?

From what I've gathered, season 7 is going to be only about 8 episodes. It is the last season, so we will get real closure, hopefully. There s going to be a time jump. Schmidt and Cece have a toddler, Winston and Aly are married, and Nick and Jess are contemplating marriage. I image this season is going to focus on wedding prep. I am really excited for the gang to come back, even though I dislike time jumps, It worked with Parks and Rec, so I am not going to write it off. New Girl comes back to FOX April 10th, at 9:30 est.

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