Magnum Reboot( Yes I'm Serious)

 So CBS decided to reboot Magnum P.I. this year, and all I can really say is why? Magnum was an ok show, it had it's ups and downs like any T.V. show but I'd say there are more good than bad episodes. Tom Selleck played a believable, likable character, and the supporting cast did a fine job. Notably John Hillerman's performance as Higgins was always great and he won several awards for the portrayal. If you don't know, Magnum P.I. centers around a P.I(big surprise I know) named Thomas Magnum who lives in a reclusive author's Hawaiian mansion as chief of security. He gets a few perks, including the use of his signature red Ferrari, and stays in the guest house while Higgins is in charge of managing the estate. He still works as a P.I. to make money on the side but usually ends up helping people regardless of their ability to pay. He's joined by his Vietnam buddies Rick and T.C. who run businesses of their own on the island, and who usually get roped in against their will to help Magnum out on whatever case he happens to be working on at the time. That's it, it uses a blend of comedy, action, and mystery to create a pretty good show that kills an hour. That is why I can't really understand why they want to remake it, I don't see what appeal the concept has in a modern setting. Magnum was a good show but I wouldn't say it was great and I can't see a remake really going anywhere.

 From the look of the trailer for the new series (which I will include below for you, if you dare) it appears they are trying to rip off Burn Notice and Fast and Furious. It has the same camera-work and tone as Burn Notice with an action-adventure vibe ripped straight from Fast and Furious that doesn't really fit Magnum. None of the actors are Bruce Campbell so I'm pretty sure it's not going to work but it doesn't seem to have stopped them from trying. Instead of just being friends who all happened to serve in the military, now they are elite killers on a mission to avenge one of their own.I imagine this is how the meeting to make this show went down. "Higgins is a woman because that is sure to bring in lots of viewership right guys? Oh and make Magnum a Latino(and no mustache wtf) so he can appeal to that demographic, oh and T.C. can stay the same because he was already black,and make sure to make them like super elite special forces or something, no-one is going to believe a regular guy can pull this off, and we better throw in a gender-fluid character and some political references to make sure it really hits home with all of those 25-40 year olds who watch CBS and remember Magnum P.I. Wait, are you telling me hardly anyone under 40 even watches network T.V. anymore and Magnum hasn't been popular for 30 years? Oh well, lets make it anyway, at the very worst it's a tax write-off."

 Honestly it's no surprise that Tom Selleck wants nothing to do with this project, it's a dumpster fire waiting to ignite. I'm guessing this revival was prompted by the successful Roseanne revival ( which blew up in all of 9 episodes) and the general nostalgia craze of the last few years. I just don't think the nostalgia thing is going to work for Magnum, if you want to see Magnum just go watch it, why would you want a pale imitation. It's not like Roseanne where the original cast is coming back to continue the story, it's just a reboot. Maybe it's just me but it seems like whatever necromancer runs the reboot division at CBS is getting low on graves to rob. Maybe it will come out and be great, but I doubt it, Magnum was an 80's show, it should stay in the 80's. Some bones shouldn't be disturbed, this show has nothing to do with what makes Magnum unique, they are just banking on the name. While we are on the subject of 80's reboots, ThunderCats Roar, really Cartoon Network?

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