Artist of the week: Childish Gambino (Donald Glover)

I have watched the above video at least half a dozen times since it was released unexpectedly just as Donald Glover was hosting SNL with Childish Gambino (also Donald Glover) as the musical guest.

At this point in 2018, I am not sure there's an artist as versatile as Donald Glover. His show Atlanta on FX is the most different (and I would argue one of the very best) on television. His album Awaken My Love is one of the highlights of 2016. Here's the key song from it:

As Donald said during his SNL monologue, "I was on a show called Comminity and I played Lando Calrissian in the new Star Wars movie 'Solo.' And if you're Black, I made 'Atlanta' and 'Redbone.'"

Most impressively is that Donald isn't just an artist. He's an activist without making political statements or attending marches. He does it all in his art. Atlanta is the most honest commentary on young Black lives on TV today. When Donald's adaptation of Deadpool didn't get greenlit, he wrote and released an entire script of an episode commenting on the rejection.

And so this gets us to the video for "This is America." Holy shit! Somehow Childish Gambino is commenting on today's America, on today's music, on how Black people are treated and portrayed, and doing so while stimulating our ears. Just watch it again. It's killer...

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