Old men learn it

Dear Steemians

At the tip of Sumatra is a province called Atjeh which the majority of the people maintain the principle of life of the ancestors. One of them is by teaching a high-level book where usually people who are already 40 years old are studying it. Both the book is in Malay or Arabic. The book is a scribal book of Hikam Malayu whose Arabic language is Imam Tajuddin ibni 'Ataillah Assakandari who was originally a scholar of fiqah which eventually became one of the long-standing scholars of Sufism. This book is written by Shaykh Abu Fadhil Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abdul Karim bin 'Ataillah Rahimahullahu Ta'ala' alaihim. The translator of the Jawi book was asked by half of his Salik brothers that he would translate him in Jawi so that he could benefit all the novices so that it would allow him to do so with what Allah Ta'ala understood him and he extended a little he said because he included the words of his shari'a with only kifayah for the person who said he knew the difference. He asks Allah Subhahanahu Wata'ala to be perfect and will gain the benefit of all those who are learners of it in the world and in the Hereafter thanks to Sayyidil Mursalin our prohet, family, and companions.

Source: http://sufiroad.blogspot.com/2011/01/sufi-road-wali-wafat-di-hadapan-para.html

The first hikamah is written, "Min 'address' it is' alal' amali-Nuqsanur rajai 'inda wujudiz zalal" meaning that half of the addresses of people who are in charge of the charity do not expect that the error will be achieved, that is, it is not hopeful that they will be immoral and that they hope that they will not be exact. Such is the case of all those who are ignorant who view for themselves charity and those who are 'Arif have never seen for themselves charity. For salik people this is not difficult, but for ordinary people it is very difficult to live up to.


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