Mental Gymnastics Getting ready for Pi Day

Yeah Baby, I am an elusive golden horned black unicorn.   

At some point a real man is going to admit a sexy half naked living woman on his chest is a lot more appealing than a dead rapper.

I know its some time away from Thursday, March 14, but in preparation to celebrate being a member a most unique subset that includes less than 1% of the western world's bdsm population, hetero-Sapio-sexual, CIS gender male, vanilla squares, in the high 90 percentile on stupid ID tests. 

And while I am often made to feel like I've been lumped in with Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Bill Clinton, Delirium Tremens and a bunch of Conservative Christian Right Republican Straight White American Males, by the people working to push other people off the spectrum, because I lust really brilliant woman.  

Til then, smart girls like Shiny Things

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