While the gate were still open.

Forest gates.jpg

I had hoped writing to her (my muse) would open the way for expression of what has been rolling around in my head for weeks. It did. Then while the gate lingered open this came rushing through completely unexpected, but demanding to be written. \

Hard days are coming
Days filled with beautiful learning
Growth and creativity that flows over our edges
Days where we will reminisce about the days spilling around us now
We will long for things lost in our carelessness
We will cry for mistakes we made
And we will laugh at our own foolishness
Coming they are
And they will not be held back
No matter how big we build the damm
It will be shattered like it was but a model of a real damm
Built with toothpicks and elmers glue
It can not hold back the truth
What is coming contains everything we need
Everything we could have ever wanted
If we had known what to want
These days are coming
They are close
And they are going to be hard
Because like a honey badger
They could give a shit what you think or believe
Because these days know
And the time almost is
For us to know too

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