Remembering when

I remember the world of small things
Where boredom lives
And struggles reside
It pulls at me still
But like the pull of the moon tugs at the waves when full
And allows them to recede when new
So this pull ebbs and flows
And through the waves
Reaching out into the unseen distance
I can feel a tsunami forming
Drawing increasingly larger bits from each wave
Between itself and me
I don't know if it draws toward me
Or I am pulled towards it
Just that I must perfectly turn the board I ride
At just the exact right instant we meet
All my muscles tense and relax
Also with growing intensity
As each new wave telegraphs the decreasing distance between us
Yet like that math problem where you divide the distance by two
And then repeat
It feels infinitely far away
Like I will always be drawing closer
But never really completely arrive
And though each successive distance I cross
Is half of what the last was
And though each seems to be bridged at twice the speed
It feels exactly the opposite
Like I am blasting in slow motion
Across unimaginable space
My mind becomes clearer
As if it is not even my own
It belongs to something much larger than I can ever be
It is a letting go
It is a becoming
An awakening of my soul
Something not quite foreign to me
That I know nothing of
And yet am
We all are

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