I believe many things are true, the truth doesn't really care what I believe!

So I am going to write many of the things that cross my mind in no particular order.
I believe we live in absolutely amazing times, times others have watched and longed for for generations.
"What has been" is dying yet it doesn't seem to comprehend this yet. Sort of like a chicken with no head running laps around the yard.
"What Almost is" has been granted life, though it is young and like a child very inquisitive, it has much growing to do.
Russel Targ once said "the most powerful tool any of us possess to alter our reality is the focus of our attention."
I choose to believe reality as we know is it now duplex, and which version you experience, and so what effects follow, is dependent on where you place the focus of your attention.
Everything we think we know can be traced back to either Love or fear.
Love is greater than fear.
Most people are asking the wrong questions, if they are asking questions at all.
Many will experience a great deal of pain and suffering.
Others will experience perfect peace, uninterrupted joy & absolute love.
The time for fence sitting has passed.
Choose wisely what you project into the world, for you are each and everyone powerful creators.
Whoever finds these scribblings can decide each for themselves what they mean and what if any value they hold.
I will rarely if ever read or reply to comments, thought this is not to say I discourage them from being left.
I will attempt to find time to post these daily, though aside from this one there is no real chronological order to the content.
Everything I have ever needed has been given to me the moment I was ready to accept it without conditions.
I have no need of any value derived from this account, and if any should become attached to it, I will find those who are in need and transfer it to them.
As this is a blockchain the transparency of this statement will be made plain.
I do not seek recognition or credit for anything posted to this account, I see it only as a tiny part of what almost is!
peace //

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