Are we a forest of people? Only the tree likely know.

Forest .jpg

I fully intended to write daily here, or more accurately post what I write daily, though just as I believed I had made this decision, something changed, or maybe everything changed? I have wrote was has entered the gates of my mind most days, most days I have just been to preoccupied with comrehending to contemplate sharing, but the days swirl around us and become what they must and today I wanted to share. I will follow this post with another as this is how it happened today, I will explain in the second. Enjoy //

So my muse
I have been thinking about trees
And how they are so much more like people than we typically see
When they are young, they need the strength and wisdom of the older trees
They heal faster, but are damaged more easily
They apear to grow faster
Yet can be blown around more easily by every passing wind
A strong storm can tear them apart
Even split them in two and break their limbs
Take the same whack with a ax at both a young sapling and an old tree
And all of this becomes quiet apparent
They need good strong roots to draw nurishment from
As do we
Our mother and father, even siblings are our greatest roots
And like trees, when those major roots are severed when we are but a sapling
We can wither and even die
Also like trees, when this happens other older trees will sometimes reach out
Offer a sarrogate root to latch onto for nurishment
This seems to come from love
In both trees and people
Trees will keep the stump of a felled tree nurished and alive sometimes for centuries in a forest
What beautiful expressions we are
And who doesn't like to have two squirrels playing tag in full speed around their trunk and up into their branches?
Nothing matches the harmony of a forest
An old growth forest
We know it even when we don't
We seek solace there
We retreat to these old teachers and balancers of all things
When nothing makes sense
And we mimic their ways

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