When does a myth become truth? Pt 5a - The Sumerian's and the Annunaki.


When I originally started writing this series of posts a few weeks ago I had the story of the Annunaki in mind as it is the most detailed and fascinating account from our distant past. The deeper you dig into the historical writings of the Sumerian's regarding these apparent 'visitors' the more intriguing the story becomes.

In there own cuneiform script pressed into clay tablets thousands of years old they recount their 'history', a history that speaks of ancient space travellers, Kings that reigned for 10's of thousands of years, advanced technology and genetic manipulation of early hominids.

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I'd like to take a look at 3 aspects of this story in 3 posts.

  1. Who were the Annunaki?
  2. Where were they from?
  3. What was their agenda? Are modern humans really a genetically 'modified' slave race?

This post will focused on the first question, Who were the Annunaki?

The story of the Annunaki has intrigued me for many years since I first read about ancient Sumer, as you can imagine mainstream academia attempt to rationalise many of the claims of these ancient people however the arguments often fall short of an explanation that makes any sense from a modern perspective.

As you can see the ancient site of Sumer is right in the middle of what has become known as the 'fertile valley' and right in the middle of what is now an area of constant conflict. Sumer was situated in what is now modern day Iraq and Iran.

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The story really started coming to light in the mainstream in the1960's with the books of Erich von Däniken starting with the groundbreaking Chariots of the Gods? released in 1968. However the most interesting work done on this subject that peaked my interest was by Zechariah Sitchin and followed up by Micheal Tellinger with his first book, the amazing Slave Species of the Gods
Sitchin was an expert on Sumerian cuneiform writings and one of the few people in the world who was able to read the ancient texts, his website states......

One of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) based his bestselling The 12th Planet on texts from the ancient civilizations of the Near East. Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his controversial theories on the Anunnaki origins of humanity have been translated into more than 20 languages and featured on radio and television programs around the world.

Tellinger is a brilliant researcher and many other things besides, on the front page of his website he states.......

Welcome to my website. I urge you to keep an open mind as you navigate the content. I connect the dots between widely diverse subjects to remind us how everything is connected. Remember that we are the makers of our own reality – the nature of our reality is very different from what we imagine it to be – things are not as they seem – and everything we have been taught is a lie. The history of our planet and our origins as a species is very different from what most of us can imagine. We are a species with amnesia, undergoing a rapid awakening from a long deep state of unconsciousness, to rediscover our significance as humanity and our critical place in all of creation. My discoveries of the vanished civilisations of southern Africa have provided some critical missing pieces of the GREAT HUMAN PUZZLE. Everything we’ve been told is a lie.. Michael Tellinger

So what is the story, and who were the Annunaki?

Let's start with the meaning of the word 'Annaunaki'. I hear all sorts of interpretations on TV programs as to what it means and in some of the shows I've heard it said that Annunaki means 'those who from the heavens came' or words to that effect however I can find no provable reference to that translation anywhere, except for in the urban dictionary (which I personally don't have a lot of faith in) and a recording by a metal band called Inferi!

Most scholars agree that it means 'those of Royal blood' or 'princely offspring'.

Here is an except from Annunaki.org giving an explanation of the Annunaki.

The Annunaki “Those Of Royal Blood” are believed to be immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the ancient sumerian time in mesopotamia.

The Sumerian civilisation developed on the Persian Gulf, growing to strength at around 4 – 3,000 B.C. The ‘Plain of the Land of Shinar’ is the territory which after 2,000 B.C. became called Babylon. The Greeks named the region Mesopotamia (The land between two rivers), most of which lies in the modern state of Iraq.

The Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge.


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The first recorded civilisation of mankind and they were advanced with currency, astronomy and farming.

The exact origins of the Sumerians are unknown.

They entered Mesopotamia around 4,000 B.C.

The original homeland of the Sumerians is also unknown.

It is believed that they came from the east, but whether by sea or from the highlands is unknown.

We know that they are not local people because their language belongs to an isolated language group.

During the 5th millennium B.C. a people known as the Ubaidians established settlements in the region later known as Sumer (Mesopotamia). It has been noticed that there are very clear similarities between the Ubaid artwork, and that of of ‘Old Europe’ Vinca Culture which flourished c. 6,000 – 3,500 BC.
At around 3,250 BC, another people migrated from its homeland, located probably northeast of Mesopotamia, and began to intermarry with the native population. The newcomers, who became known as Sumerians, spoke an agglutinative language unrelated apparently to any other known language.

By 3,100 B.C. the population of Sumer had increased to the point where people were living in cities.

The first Sumerian ruler of historical record, Etana, king of Kish (flourished about 2,800 BC), was described in a document written centuries later as the “man who stabilized all the lands.” The early dynastic period of Sumer covers the part of the third millennium from 2,800 to 2,400 BC, and ends with the conquest of Sumer by a Semitic king of the north, Sargon I of Akkad.

After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years.

I'm going to interject here as I can here you all shouting....WHAT!? 28,800 years!?

That's right 28,800 years. That can't be right, can it?

Also notice it states that the original homeland of the Sumerian's is 'unknown'. These folks just appeared from nowhere with advanced knowledge. Where did they come from?

The Sumerian Kings List states that they have a history going back over 250,000 years pre flood! The list starts when 'Kingship descended for heaven' and makes for interesting reading.


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Academia is all over the place in regards to the King list as many of the later Kings have been proven to be historical figures but the earlier kings and the length of their reigns are a real problem for mainstream academia.
This text is cut from the Wikipedia when attempting to explain the list.

The list blends prehistorical, presumably mythical predynastic rulers enjoying implausibly lengthy reigns with later, more plausibly historical dynasties. Although the primal kings are historically unattested, that does not preclude their possible correspondence with historical rulers who were later mythicized. Some Assyriologists view the predynastic kings as a later fictional addition.

So academia choose to believe parts of the list and not others. We've had this before in the past when unproven myths are said to be fantasy as was the case with Troy and in my first post in this series The Lost City of Dwarka when both 'myths' turned out to be true.

Let's take a look at the deciphered list of pre flood Kings and look at some of the astronomical numbers involved.


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So we have 8 pre-flood Kings that allegedly reigned for a total of 241,000 years! However if you look below you can see an example of the list from post flood. As you can see the figures are more in line with our understanding today, 11 Kings for a total of 181 years. How could a seemingly advanced and knowledgable race get something so wrong?

Maybe they didn't........


Ancient space travellers?

Let's suspend disbelief for a moment and look at the possibility that the Annunaki did I in fact come to earth from elsewhere, I realise for some that is going to be difficult however I have always failed to see a difference between a 'God' and an 'alien', surely they're the same thing! If modern man had a visitation now by a species so advanced compared to ourselves wouldn't many see them as Gods?
The Sumerian's left us so many clues to their beliefs of the origins of the the Annunaki, enscribed not only in cuneiform but also on many cylinder seals and art works. Let's take a look at some.


Above: Cylinder seal that depicts Enki, the great Anuna god, decending from the heavens in a flying disc. He brings the power and knowledge of the "tree of life" with him and puts that power into the hands of the other Anuna. This tree is shown in the center of the scene. It is important to note that the device refered to as a tree does not really look like a tree, but more like a mechanical device with multiple hinged arms coming from it. The Sumerians may have been trying to describe advanced technology.

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Above: Cylinder seal that depicts Enki, the great Anuna god, emerging from the water and bringing forth the rivers and fish. He holds a tool resembling a knife in one hand. The Anuna named Ninmah may be the one shown with wings (meaning flight), giving Enki a pine cone, representing "seeds" or "reproductive fruitfulness". The other Anuna gods are around him. Anuna gods are always shown with cone shaped hats, often glowing or with "energy". Likely they had cone shaped heads as was normal for these star travelers.


Above: The great Anuna god is shown ascending a staircase within a portal or doorway. Energy waves are coming off of the doorway. Many hold the belief this documents a star gate or teleportation device used by the Anuna.

Taken from the same source, here are some deciphered cuneiform writings that may help shed light on the interpretations of the apparent technology available to the Annunaki.

When interpreting ancient Sumerian writings, it is important to understand the extremely primitive nature and limited education of the people who witnessed and interpreted the events of these ancient days. Any power or ability that was not understood or possessed by ordinary people would be regarded as divine or god-like. Technology would not be understood, and would be described in ways that ordinary people could comprehend.

For example, it is written that the Anuna could fly in birds. A primitive person would likely describe a winged flying machine to be like a bird. Powerful bombs (nuclear) produced “evil winds” that burned, scorched and leveled mountains. The following sections describe the technologies possessed by the Anuna in terms regular people of those days could understand:

Direct Translations from the Sumerian Texts:

Flying birds of the Anuna:
Ninurta's return to Nibru: a šir-gida to Ninurta: c.1.6.1
"Let my beloved city, the sanctuary Nibru, raise its head as high as heaven. Let my city be pre-eminent among the cities of my brothers. Let my temple rise (?) the highest …… among the temples of my brothers. Let the territory of my city be the freshwater well of Sumer. Let the Anuna, my brother gods, bow down there. Let their flying birds establish nests in my city. Let their refugees refresh themselves in my shade."

Flying machines with powerful weapons and super speed:
The temple hymns: c.4.80.1
O E-ninnu (House of 50), right hand of Lagaš, foremost in Sumer, the Anzud bird which gazes upon the mountain, the šar-ur weapon of …… Ninĝirsu, …… in all lands, the strength of battle, a terrifying storm which envelops men, giving the strength of battle to the Anuna, the great gods,...

Aircraft Funeral Boat:
Ninurta's exploits: a šir-sud (?) to Ninurta: c.1.6.2
They sang to the lord in the ceremonial (?) boat. The boat, floating of its own accord, was piled up with riches. The boat Ma-kar-nunta-ea proceeded shiningly. To greet the hero from the smiting of weapons, the Anuna …… came to meet him.

Tablet computer technology:
The building of Ninĝirsu's temple (Gudea, cylinders A and B): c.2.1.7
"Then there was a woman -- whoever she was. She …… sheaves. She held a stylus of refined silver in her hand, and placed it on a tablet with propitious stars, and was consulting it."

Anuna riding on flying craft and possessing unknown powers:
The Anuna gods address affectionately the great prince who has travelled in his Land: "Lord who rides upon the great powers, the pure powers, who controls the great powers, the numberless powers, foremost in all the breadth of heaven and earth; who received the supreme powers in Eridug, the holy place, the most esteemed place, Enki, lord of heaven and earth -- praise!"

Description of Annuna god Enki's private underwater habitat:
The lord established a shrine, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed. He established a shrine in the sea, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed. The shrine, whose interior is a tangled thread, is beyond understanding. The shrine's emplacement is situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine's emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation. Its terrifying sea is a rising wave, its splendour is fearsome. The Anuna gods dare not approach it.

Whatever you believe these interpretations to mean it seems to me that something profound happened in Sumeria in the very distant past. As I said in earlier posts in this series the stories written down are eerily similar with others from Religious scriptures of all faiths, maybe the Sumerian cuneiform tablets are the Genesis of all of these writings?

I personally find the intricacies and quality of the depictions to be profound, and the fact that the anomolies are not a massive subject of debate within mainstream academia makes me think there is a conspiracy to keep this information from the majority of the public. Why?

Would an ancient supposedly primative people been able to imagine flying vehicles, powerful weapons or a computerised tablet without inspiration and no frame of reference?

To the Sumerian's the Annunaki were real beings although not of this Earth, with real technology and an agenda?

Please come back for Part 5b in this series where I will pick up from here, dig deeper into the agend and get into the question of ........Where were they from?


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