Short Bus Physics With Quinn and J.Go

So I was watching the latest casino update from the #clownsource team, and there were a few things I wanted to bring your attention to.

I think J.Go does the graphics himself, in his last show with Charles Ortel about Pirates of the Caribbean he said @csthetruth was a one-man team. In this one he is making Quinn look like a bobble-headed court jester, which is an interesting message in itself. #sendbitcoin.

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It's not clear why Quinn always has to meet J.Go in casinos. Maybe they're still hot on the trail of secret bitcoin mining from the poker machines, chasing down the truth like George Webb chasing Uzbeki Uranium Truckers at crack houses with Task Bar.

Of course, last time Quinn and J.Go hung out in a casino, it didn't end well.

The #csthetruth team went from Dirty Bomb false alarms shutting down ports, to instructions for how to build a weapon of mass destruction in your home and target it through walls at your neighbors.

Why? Because, @defango and/or @daveacton, allegedly. Who knows what is really going on, ARG, LARP, solving puzzles, crowdsourcing truth, or setting the real #truth movement up for a big fall?

Quinn's show with Jason had a number of things worthy of correction.

Short Bus Physics
The first thing was his ideas about physics. Basically, the world is like a bus, and if more people get on the bus, the velocity (careful, don't say speed!) of the bus slows down. So we need to depopulate the earth or leave it, because too many people are affecting the earth's rotation.

@SchoolPlay did a great job already:

Here's another way to look at it.
a)The weight of the earth is 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
b)The number of humans on the earth is 7,595,413,980
c)The average weight of a human is 62 kg (137 lbs)

So the weight of the humans on the earth is b x c = 470,915,666,760 kg

Do you notice anything about that result? (other than the kinda creepy 666 in there)

There are a LOT less commas in it. In fact, expressed as a percentage, the weight of humans is 0.0000000000079% of the weight of the earth.

Is this enough to cause a problem for the velocity of the earth? The weight of the world's largest concrete structure, the Three Gorges Dam in China, and the water in its reservoir is already much greater than this, concentrated in one location on the planet, and elevated above sea levels. All things that elementary physics suggests will affect the earth's rotation more than humans scattered like ants (in fact, there is even scientific argument that the weight of all the ants on the earth is more than the weight of all the humans).

3 gorges.jpg

So this actually happened already, diverting this huge body of water into one spot did slow the earth's rotation. And guess what: we're fine. For the weight of the world's humans to affect the earth's rotation as much as this dam, not only would we need to be all in one place at one time, but there would need to be 629,032,258,064 of us - 82.8 times as many people.

What about Quinn's claim that extracting oil from the earth changes its balance?

All the oil that has been extracted since 1850 is 135 billion tonnes, or 135,000,000,000,000,000 kg. [Source: Science Daily]

This is 0.0000000023% of the earth's weight. It is about a fifth of the weight of all the water and concrete in the Three Gorges Dam. Moving all the oil that has ever been extracted into one place would not cause any problems on the earth.

SIRI is Not An AI
According to Quinn, SIRI is not AI. SIRI came from SRI - the Stanford Research Institute. It is the commercial product result of decades of research into Artificial Intelligence, including the largest Artificial Intelligence Project in history. Believe Quinn and his theories of neutrino-based quantum computing networks that you communicate with on cordless phones at the 5 Mhz spectrum because they are chatbots, or believe the Stanford Research Institute and Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory that built the thing and ran the project with DARPA and the military for the many decades of its development.

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Quinn's idea of #SIRISYS appears to be another thing he has come up with spontaneously, that is not backed by any detail or research. SIRI's parent company is called SIRI, Inc.

Tyler is a Secret Society Term
Quinn admitted that #tyler , the ARG he is playing as part of Project MAYHEM, was a term from the Freemasons.

This part is true, as I exposed in some detail in Shadow History of Burners Part 7.

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A bunch of occult sorcery shit. Quinn admits to many of his connections into this world, if his missing eyebrow/Sith Lord glamor wasn't clue enough.

It's amazing the way these clowns can fully reveal the method. Quinn frequently explains to the audience how he is playing them, J.Go is so confused it usually goes over his head, but even he was struggling in this episode.

Believe these people at your peril.

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