Government LOCKDOWN... Solution or POWERGRAB???

Hello Fellow Hivers,

It's been awhile since my last post, Lots of has change in my life and the world. Being under this current quarantine or lockdown which ever you prefer to call it, has left me thinking about how many angles this current crisis can be taken advantage of and used for advancement on multiple agendas and fronts. Things will tie together once i'm done explaining, although i may have to great these articles up because they might be lengthy.

In this article i'll be exploring different factions and powers of the world. Mainly about what is their angle and possible goal out of this crisis is. The entities in question are:

  • The Chinese Government
  • The Federal Reserve
  • The Globalist organizations and technocrats (WHO etc...)
  • Wall street
  • Local Governments

Get Ready because we are about to explore some deep questions with not so bed time story answers and thoughts.

The Chinese Communist Party

There is lots to say about this regime. For one they are one of the biggest creditors on the planet and hold over a whopping 1 Trillion + in US bonds (debt). Tons of Items are made in China and exported around the world.

Thank you Globalists and Trade agreements for centralization most manufactured in a slave labour communist country.

They are also One of the Biggest gold holders in the world also encouraging their citizens to by some of the yellow shiny metal. They also hold lots of property and strategic resources outside of china as well.

And lets not forget how secretive and manipulative they are especially with the Covid-19

Lets put the above into perspective and how it relates to today.

With China being the world's Second Largest economy and a Mandated to become the worlds strongest economy in the world it would seem very advantageous to be holding The world's largest Economy's (USA) debt. This in turned helped fuel one of the biggest bull runs in bonds in the USA since the 70's. That bull has now run out of steam.

So what does any investor do at the end of a long run? They start selling the asset that has run its course and switch into a different. During the summer of 2019 we seen the 2 yr and 10 yr bond invert which pertains to a recession or crisis which we are now witnessing. It seems that foreigners are selling US debt.

The question is how would an entity sell a massive amount of debt and stocks that they might have inquired without bringing notice to themselves. The SOLUTION... make a crisis that they can blame and export across the world bringing fear in a big way.

ENTER COVID-19... There is now evidence that this was created in a wuhan lab and has the HIV delivery system welded on which is the S proteins and has a coronavirus taken from bats that are 100% identical as specimens in a lab. In nature no specimen is 100% the same. This alone shows that is was made in a lab. The S proteins make it so it can by pass a cells natural defence mechanism in a lock and key fashion. The team who made this lab creation was shi zhengli who has written papers on lab created virus's and s proteins welded onto such virus's.

So the whole wet market mutation theory is nothing more then a scapegoat for blame. The reason for that statement is because it is now known that there are NO BATS FOR SALE IN THAT MARKET where the virus was alleged to come from. Very coincidentally the Wuhan Bio 4 lab is within 2 km of the market.

Shortly after the virus escape or was released... the chinese government went 911 style and destroyed evidence and forbid any investigation into the origins of the virus leaving only breadcrumbs for future investigations. Here is a great documentary that picks up those breadcrumbs. Watch it before the censors take it down.

Currently we have the chinese government trying to place blame on the US. Saying it is the USA's fault for the virus which is nothing more than the chinese propoganda machine at work.

Also thrown in the mix is the WHO who seems to be loving China and for how they handled the Situation. Meanwhile those buggers were not wanting to call it a pandemic until very late in the game. Then what was the solution??? LETS DO WHAT COMMUNIST CHINA DONE. Now we got these snakes calling for authorities to go Chinese style and go into your residence and take who ever out and down to a centralized quarantine station. WTF? That is nazi actions right there.

We are starting to live in George Orwell's Wet Dream.

As if that was not enough let's close everything down instead of just isolating people with compromised health issues and the elderly who has been most of the deaths. So instead lets shut down everything and funnel people into grocery stores instead. No idea how that will help by bottle necking everyone.

Since lots of people are "NOT ALLOWED" to work by government decree, this gives leftists the opportunity to praise and implement BASIC INCOME agendas making people dependant on the government or BIG BROTHER.

You can really wreck an economy by shutting it down. I would love for my main competitor to shut its doors giving me the opportunity to take number 1 position when the dust settles.

During all this we have seen the Stock market giving signals of a top much before this all went down because of all the company buybacks, leverage and fluff that was in the markets making the current highs unsustainable. So why not blame a virus instead of previous government and federal reserve action. The house of cards was going to falls with or without COVID-19 this just gave insiders an opportunity to blame a virus instead of having people with pitchforks at their homes.

To some it all up. It appears COVID -19 is being used to implement a communist style of government under the guise of safety and security. It is also being used as a scapegoat for the market sell off, and we are also being misinformed about it's origins and how severe or not it really is.

I'm going to divide the articles up since this one has been fairly big. Next we will talk about the Federal Reserve, Wallstreet and Local Governments since they are integrated together for most part as i will explain.

Just remember to do your own research and always ask questions and dig for the answers no matter how out there they may seem. The only people who call others conspiracy theorists are very low information ppl who like to discredit people that see things a different way, giving them comfort in their own perspectives.

Thanks for reading, and if there is anything i could improve on please comment below. Also Like and share if you found the article appealing at all.

Thank you and look forward to writting the next article in the coming days.

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