Nurse Insider Gives Insight

Nurse Insider Gives Insight

Nurse whistleblower

So I decided to start relaying the information I'm receiving from this Nurse Insider Gives Insight.

She's now a Truther and has been for the last two years and I started this article in October 2020, so that's almost 6 years now. She's also holistic and won't go anywhere near a hospital when she's sick. No, I won't divulge her name.

We are comparing notes, but there are things she knows that we would never know because most of us who have a brain have never been a part of the allopathic system unless it was before when we were a child or before we became somewhat awake.

Here are my notes

  1. "In a lab, when you break down the toxic drugs the pharma mafia makes, there are things in it that shouldn't ever be there. So there may be something that helps with someone's blood pressure, but then there's something else that will harm them in other areas of the body."
  2. She noticed that one of her favorite patients who was like a second grandmother to her because a vicious person after open heart surgery. She started swearing and was really mean.

    The nurse decided to go do research online and found out that her patient wasn't the only one to have this huge personality change because of open heart surgery. WOW

  3. "There is actually evidence that hormones in utero are messed with.

    For instance pregnant mom had nausea. Doc give nausea meds. Now baby girl has higher testosterone in utero. So that when the gay bi and trans movement begins baby girl will be more susceptible to that because of these base hormones." WOW

And I'm going to add other nurse's comments from all different social media sites here
  1. "I continue to believe that this is a hoax. I was a Registered Nurse for almost 15 years. So I know how "the system" works. I also know reputable docs who have admitted that they have been paid huge sums of money to say any death was a Covid death, no matter if it was from a suicide or diabetes, or kidney failure. So yeah.. Somethings definitely ary here... I have not even for ONE day taken ANY precaution.. No mask.. No hand sanitizer.. And I don't eve wash my hands on a regular basis. If anyone would have it.. it would be ME. I've been out and about in the public... and I have not been sick ONCE... not with anything related to these symptoms. I do not personally know ANYONE who has been diagnosed... and for the people who ARE diagnosed with this... I truly believe it's FAKE. There is no way for the average individual to know exactly what is wrong when they feel bad. There is a HUGE agenda behind this. It's not what they are telling us. Be warned everyone. There IS a big reason this is happening. And it's not in our favor. Seek refuge... and just keep yourself healthy. Don't be afraid you are gonna "catch" some crazy disease that doesn't exist.. because I can pretty much guarantee you that it doesn't exist, no matter how much you may believe that it does."
  2. "I’m a rep for a hospital group. Me and some RNs took the test and placed them all in the same container of pure water. 10 tests, same water, same procedure. 9 came back positive. Boobtube ripped that video down. I know what you speak of.. you’re not alone!"
It's been so long since I had this in draft mode that I'm just going to publish it and here's another article with what nurses have said.

Our Free Society
I hope you learned something.

Never make Authority your Truth... make Truth your Authority

The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

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A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!

Truth, connecting to consciousness, following Natural Law, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others, to build a better world, is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

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