How awake people are also led by the nose by the evils

How awake people are also led by the nose by the evils

How awake people are also led by the nose by the evils

How awake people are also led by the nose by the evils.

I wrote this up in the description of my alex jones playlist on Odysee, and felt it would also be good as an article, especially since I found out from Odysee, that you guys never SEE the description of the playlists I create and I have TONS here and at least almost 10 more that still need to be inserted on this page. Are you ready to help me fight the evils yet?

And I waste time inserting tags and they make no difference in my rankings of that playlist AND they disappear when I go back in and edit the playlist. I already reported it, clearly they didn't fix anything. Terrible.

So let's get on it...

This is the path I took looking into alex jones. It can go back and forth as I learn.

I get he woke a lot of people up, but any way you slice it, bill hicks or not, he's dangerous. If he his bill hicks, do you understand the deep level of a psyop they played on the awake community?

It's deep and DARK, and that gives us a window into the Truth about how dark the evils are. I mean we already knew that, but this was a game played on US, not the zombies, and the fact that it started back in the mid 1990s means, once again, the evils plan EVERYTHING out decades and hundreds of years in advance. They knew people would STILL be worshiping AJ at this current time.

And my other question is, does this mean everyone associated with info wars is also controlled opposition (CO) - Link? I just realized I don't have a playlist of controlled opps because most people write up articles about controlled opposition.

I do have notes that I'm not ready to give out yet UNTIL I get enough proof that I feel it's okay to publish.

I also want to say that I too have fallen for controlled opposition in the last 3+ years, but I'm getting better and being suspicious if they meet most of the criteria on my list of traits about a controlled opposition evil collective.

Note: I don't believe every single channel that uploads a controlled op video. Some are so bad there's no way I'm showing you that. Too many people in the awake community grasp at straws just to get you upset or angry for what I don't know, maybe to get you addicted to their channel? For me it has to be compelling, make sense (common sense) and intuitively it hits home.

Most people in the awake community are played, whether they are following the evils because they still worship one or all of these industries, they still believe in the fake Christianity which was an allegory, predictive programming, segregation, controlling others to become christian, and a way to convince people that they aren't powerful, only their mainstream gawd and jesus are. They convinced everyone (in the jewish bible too), that they are weak, gawd is powerful, he/she/it decides what's going to happen to us, etc.

Ok, so if that's what you believe, that's PROOF your gawd is evil since it allows all of this to happen to us.

Note: I believe in a main Creator and Consciousness, NOT mainstream religion or gawd. I believe in Natural Law, not because I am scared of getting punished, BUT because it's the right thing to do. If you live in fear of your mainstream gawd, you are no different than zombies and that's the very definition of a slave.

If you need someone to tell you the difference between right and wrong, you are in the WRONG Spiritual mind/body. Time to get a new one. Natural Law (lecture) is all we need and everything it mentions should be intuitive.

BUT I'm always learning, so I know that the Spirituality I studied back in the 1990s and early 2000s was probably mainly fake, and of course, part of the evil's new new religion cult.

This sector of people who BOUGHT into mainstream religion allowed the evils to remove them as a threat towards them. There are billions of people around the world who don't fight the evils in the name of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Another way the evils led awake people by the nose - as I mentioned, their creation of the new age religion which has permeated the entire world and all mainstream religions too. It taught people to only believe in positive thoughts. Never think (OR SEE) anything negative around you otherwise you create that reality. This is even THOUGH the evils have dominated this world for thousands of years and THEY have created this negative reality.

Sorry new age cultists, your theory doesn't hold water. We've always been enslaved and living in a dark evil time with the evils controlling EVERYTHING. Now you just made it easier for THEM. Ignoring evil just makes it GROW STRONGER!!! Link.

Then there's ALL of the CO channels that almost every awake person follows and trusts. Link of what controlled opposition means. Another example of how awake people are also led by the nose by the evils.

Most controlled opp channels often show you your fake politics and they also talk about Christianity all the time. It's one of the points on my list of how I can tell if I think someone is pretty much CO. Link

The evils have to keep your attention on the mafia government so you still worship them and you comply just by the very fact that you still follow politics instead of not giving them your attention because you know it's ALL theater and giving your attention to something else that helps you and society.

Here's tons of links with evidence that ALL GOVERNMENTS are owned and controlled by the evils and always have been and if they aren't, the leader is taken out. GOVERNMENT = SLAVERY.

If after this you STILL worship the mafia government, you are too far gone and need to take the death jab and go over to the zombie camp. 3 1/2 years of evidence (and there was HUGE evidence during 911) and you are STILL ignoring it and worshiping the state like a RELIGION. Either you deprogram yourself or you are a danger to all of us!

The evils also decide which direction awake people go in. Which events they follow, what they find out about the events (and don't find out), etc.

They lead most everyone down the road they want US to follow. People in the awake community think they are different than the zombies. Some are, but we are the exception, NOT the rule. Even I can be led astray at times and then I have to self correct.

This is why I see the same news and guests being interviewed on almost every channel.

Think about it.

Our Free Society

The only way to win this war is with US!

People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth.

Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.

I know it's hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.

The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.

Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that's sharing the workload.

Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils' mafia governments. It's the ONLY way.

It's our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren't United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!

Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.

The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn't be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that's why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.

This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That's where the psyop religion comes in - SALVATIONISM.

They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us.

Here's my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it.

There's NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.

It's when you don't care and don't work to rid yourself of them (this doesn't happen overnight, it's a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.

With tough Love

Our Free Society
I hope you learned something.

Never make Authority your Truth... make Truth your Authority

The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

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