In the spiral is contained the totality of STORY if you simply have a mind to extrapolate ALL from this ONE symbol.

The living life is incorruptible

‘And there is not ANYTHING in the cosmos, nor has been through ALL time from the first foundation of the YOUNIVERSE neither in the whole, nor among the several things contained in it ANYTHING that is not ALIVE!

There is not, has never been, and never will be, ANYTHING in the cosmos that it is dead.

For it was THE FATHER’S WILL that the cosmos as long as it exists should be a living being and therefore it must need to be A GOD ALSO.

How then MY SON could there be dead things in that which is a GOD?

In that which is an image of THE FATHER?

In that which is ONE...MASS...OF LIFE?

Deathness is corruption and corruption is destruction.

How then can ANY part of that which is incorruptible be corrupted? Or ANY part of that which is a GOD be destroyed?’


“that’s ALL folks!”

#Truth #Life #STORY #Connectivity #Spiral #OddNumber #GODLINESS #Incorruptible #Untrappable #Infinite38514646_10216609444087033_489717368000348160_n.jpg

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