Warrior of the Stone Fortress

Lingering in time and space
The motion of energy rendered still
In the passionate folds of absolute
A dragon seeks in the wake of lore
But serpent's shadow knows my name
He seeks to possess, to hypnotize
His poison thorn festers in my thigh
It is your gaze I see transfixing me
The taste of glory lingers in my waiting mouth
Alchemist warrior, do you know?
Bound with courage, sinews of strength
In the quest, we concoct the path
A dance with the Devil
Two songs we weave
As I twirl within his rotten limbs
Aim true; Find your mark
He will be blinded by my Grace
In remembrance of your gentle touch
Our story, our dance
Truth in the place that Angels dwell
The fire you traced with fingertips of heat
Set me ablaze
Bathed in warmth, pleased within
Return now, in midst of a mad, impassioned war
It is I that dwells within, to remind you of the light
To fuel the energy and blot away the pain
Lift your eyes, Alchemist; seek internally
It is your secret to find
A sword has two sides
Do you see?
In your gaze, I am the Ark
Revealed within the strongest energy
I give all
Take and forge it well
Crush the enemy
That I might fall from his wretched limbs
Into your embrace


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