The Nature of Connection

There is nothing more natural in this world than connection. It should be so easy, so effortless, so innocent. What a tragedy it is that our minds have invented so many reasons to be afraid of it. We fear the vulnerability of it. We turn to 'things' to love us which seem safer than humans. Things like meaningless sex, drugs, food pleasure, video game immersion, internet arguing, trolling, ANYTHING to satisfy that innate desire in all of us to give and receive love, but anything but ACTUALLY doing that, to open ourselves up because the world has taught us to believe that it only brings more pain and suffering.

This is the nature of addiction. We love things and use people rather than using things and loving people (and ourselves). This goes against nature, which is what we are, so we betray nature and ourselves. Yet we choose this again and again, because we're afraid. The inner child within us, neglected and abused, wide eyed and trembling, only wanting our love, protection and care, nothing more. This life is all about connection. It is the motivating force behind all behavior. But our fear causes us to express this in all kinds of unhealthy ways which harms ourselves and others. Fear which was learned, pain which must be healed. This, only this, can save our world. image

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