Paternalistic NSFW Censorship of Artistic Content


Paternalistic NSFW censorship of artistic content spreads into StableHorde AI by the dev dbo.

Stable Horde provides access to dozens of advanced image rendering models, including those for NSFW content (before this month), and produced outstanding results. Being P2P, users could choose to restrict the usage of their GPUs to SFW and the community could simply mark their prompts as NSFW if they chose to go that route. It worked.

On the other hand, was likely one of the only havens for users without access to high end GPU setups to explore Stable Diffusion's utility. Best of all, there was no censorship on the results.

Mind you, it was only capable of very rough image generation - even with negative prompts, it produced cloned figures (two heads, two torsos, etc) frequently or unsightly arms and fingers. However, the free ability to explore the model enabled lots of creativity.

However, it quickly gave in to proprietorship and put in place a paywall and strictly forbade NSFW renders altogether to free users. While saying NSFW would be permitted if you paid their subscription, they already held back a quiet groan in their throat -- the lie, if you will -- that they would keep it unfiltered even for paid users.

Even paid services eventually forbid NSFW under the guise of "preventing abuse". Without providing documentation or proof of issues, banning users, etc, they outright remove the feature to punish everyone. It is quite truly the fulfillment of "They shall forbid meat."

In recent anecdotes of absurdity, one developer stated a certain Stable Diffusion model that produced highly artistic CGI anatomical renders was "too mysterious" to be allowed to the public...

With StableHorde API ( a p2p GPU / CPU sharing node network ) censoring NSFW due to "innapropriateness" for the public's use, paternalistic censorship rises with a clown-faced hypocritical stare of judgement.

--The same developers themselves permit themselves these applications without censorship. "Meat for me, not for thee" sayeth the Tyrant. The very movement to forbid actual meat consumption to everyone fulfills the same prophetic messages of end of world times.

Soon, marriage will be added to the chopping block of our society. It was mentioned in the same verses in the Bible, and as one of the signs of the apocalypse.

On a side note, I'm not really sure about why pleasure or creativity must be cancelled, but hey it is happening. Rest assured, what the Tyrant and the rulers themselves forbid, they are doing in secret in their own homes whilst proclaiming their cleanliness to the earth.

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