The truth is subjective


The truth is subjective... why is this? Because truth can’t be known it has to be lived. Many will say they know the truth, but this is nonsense otherwise they would lead their lives differently. I’m not passing judgement, I just think it’s quite obvious when u think about it that the truth is a form of action. Once you prove yourself to yourself, then you can find more truth in life... It’s not a static thing that you can point to like the worlds biggest ball of yarn or something... but people wanna shout around and say,” there it is...THE TRUTH.... “ and yes it might be momentary truth, but that is subjective to the time and space It resides in...... perhaps what there is the I Ching line he who knows does not say but he who says does not know... maybe that’s because you can’t tell truth to someone who doesn’t live truth... they won’t understand... grasping truth takes effort, lying to yourself is painful, but you don’t have to put out much effort to do so... lies are the precursor to destruction.

And why would the truth ever be one dimensional or static? Then it wouldn’t inspire people to get to know it... it’s like the beautiful person you always wanted to know .... because you know they would add something cool to your life... that’s the truth... the stalwart companion you don’t know you need until you have it. It has the loyalty of a dog and the power of a locomotive. The truth is you, it is me, it is whatever it needs to be to get the job done. Truth is everywhere because it never had to fight to hide like a lie. The truth by being a living thing, conserves energy hence it is eternal... lies burn themselves out, fade and die... just like the evil that brought them into existence... hence many are stuck playing head games with shadows and ghosts...

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