Philippines-Where My eyes were Opened

Towards the late 90's I was doing golf course work in the Philippines. It was an amazing experience. Coming from Florida fresh out of college, I was offered an opportunity to build a golf course outside Manila. These next 6 years changed my life.


Seeing the corruption so blatant in front of me from the crooked cop on the corner to the president in their version of the White House,I was taken back and felt so sorry for these people. After 6 years of working and doing business there in Manila and throughout the Philippine archipelago, it was time to leave for Nassau Bahamas for another project. More on that experience later. But seeing how openly corrupt they were made me look at the US, my own country, in a different light. I thought that the US was almost corrupt free because I never saw the corruption on a daily basis as I did in the Philippines. I took if that the US was not like any 3rd world nation as far as corruption went. Well, I was awaken real fast as 911 happened as I was in Manila.

It was a year before I left for Nassau when 911 happened and I felt somewhat attacked myself and long to go home. After 911, I started to look into politics closer and with the aid of the internet I started researching 911 and other so called incidents. I realized with my experience with the corruption in the Philippines, I could spot it in the US. I started to see similarities. Our government was not any better than any 3rd world nation. They just hide much better. That was in the early 2000's.

Ahead to today, and we see more and more corruption around us in the open. They are not hiding it anymore. It is not that they don't care to hide it but they know they have dumb down America. The people cannot even see it in front of their eyes. To me it screams out to me but to the majority of the citizens here, they have no clue. They have been indoctrinated since kindergarten and have grown up thinking the way they want them to think. I know because I was one of those pupils. Until I got outside the box so to speak, I was not able to see the truth. After being in the Philippines, Caribbean and other Pacific Islands, I can see clearly what is happening.

We need to always be seeking the truth and it is not in what they are telling us or what programming on TV is telling us. Question everything and research it. Laziness will kill you nowadays. Get moving and do the leg work to find the truth. I also write about my interest in cryptocurrency because I believe it will be of use in the future and what it stands for. If you have not ventured into the cryptocurrency world, I urge you to look into it and see what it is all about.

Look for the TRUTH!

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