Don't Drink the KoolAid.

I was watching this video from Dollar Vigilante about taking the Red Pill, and he tells so much truth here. I had been interested in searching for truth for most my life. After 911, it was clear that something was really wrong with the system. I began to research on 911 which led to the opening of the floodgates of reality.

For as long as this country has been in existence there has been an agenda and those who have an agenda will bend twist and break all to have their agendas established. Once the powers have the public on their side they can do anything and nobody will say anything, hell, they will even ignorantly support it. Look around you today. It is like the zombie apocalypse out there. Both sides are drunk on KoolAid and following whatever their leaders are telling them. It is so bad I believe they are not even drinking but mainlining the stuff.

So what is the truth? I believe we can find the truth if we open our eyes to see what is really happening. Not believing what anyone says who claims to be an expert but seeing for yourself. Clear the clutter of the media and look at things from a different perspective. We have been told from our childhood things that have shaped our minds into thinking what they wants us to believe. We need to break away from this system of thinking and develop our own view of the reality of the world system.

Look for the truth.

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