Let the truth prevail!!

Well this is my first post on Steemit. Im very excited to be able to voice my opinion and bring to the light certain injustices on a completely decentralized platform. alot of these injustices most of us have accepted as normal. Im looking to discuss topics like Alternative Medicine, Alternative History, spirituality outside the constraints of religion, the New world order etc..... And you eventually see how all these subjects are relevant and are all connected one way or another. Alot of these subjects will sound outrageous to those who are not awake. I consider myself a TRUTH-SEEKER and will be the first to admit that I don't know it all. In fact, the moment I think that I know it all, is the very same moment I will cease to learn about all that I don't know...If that makes any sense. Nonetheless, Im not asking anyone to take what I discuss for face value and immediately accept as truth. Don't accept anything at all!!! Question Everything and Everyone!!!....Your doctor, teacher, pastor, the media or even your mother!! Always Do your research. I look forward to posting my first subject which is going to be titled....The USA is not a country, its a corporation: The truth about The Federal Reserve, The USA Corporation bankruptcy and how they stole our gold and sovereignty..... Follow me, I've got alot to say!

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