TNI - The Ministry of Truth

- What is the Trusted News Initiative (TNI)?

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI), simply Global Information Control, was founded in 2019 by the UK state broadcaster, the BBC, and its global media and tech partner. TNI claimed its first order of business was to promote freedom and democracy by preventing foreign interference in the 2020 US presidential elections. However, it seems that TNI's big pharma backers had a vaccine agenda in mind from the start.

The TNI issued a warning in 2019 that anti-vaxxers were gaining traction across the internet, requiring algorithmic intervention – very smart computer programs – to identify, attack, and neutralize anti-vaccine content. How does it work? By flooding your screen with repetitive pro-vaccine messages that normalize the experimental vaccine, while demonizing the unvaccinated to create division and drive public acceptance of vaccine compliance.

The TNI also pays so-called fact-checkers to produce hit pieces on scientists and journalists who go against the official narrative. Hundreds of frontline medical professionals, scientists, and researchers who dare to speak out against the official narrative have disappeared from social media platforms at the hands of the TNI. They didn't ask approved questions or come to approved conclusions, so now, doctors from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford are considered dangerous experts who must be neutralized.

TNI director Jessica Cecile complains that anti-vaccine content often comes from people with degrees. There is often a grain of truth to what is claimed, making it difficult to untangle the falsehoods. They attack early treatment that could cure COVID-19 because it poses a threat to the vaccine agenda.

The TNI network also ignores stories of tens of thousands who have been injured by COVID-19 vaccines in order to promote the false narrative that they are safe and effective. It's not just careers that the TNI is destroying, but real lives, as it suppresses the true numbers of vaccine adverse effects and early treatment protocols.

Who is paying for this harmful suppression of science? You are. We are. Taxpayers fund the governments, which in turn pay big pharma. Big pharma spends almost 7 billion dollars advertising with TNI corporations. TNI companies also have pharma investments, creating massive conflicts of interest. See how that woks?

At the beginning of the pandemic when it mattered most, when the truth could have helped science uncover the origin of COVID-19, the TNI aggressively shut down all inquiries into this. They labeled scientists who simply raised questions about the virus's origin from the Wuhan lab as conspiracy theorists. Yet later, this so-called conspiracy theory has been deemed the most plausible scenario.

Remember Orwell's dystopia in '1984'? "The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation." - In 2021, the Trusted News Initiative promotes misinformation while keeping true science from us.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI)

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) includes major companies like Google, Facebook, BBC, YouTube, Twitter, The New York Times, Microsoft and Reuters. Mainstream media organizations owned by conglomerates such as Time Warner, Viacom, CBS, Disney, National Amusements and News Corp are involved, with examples including PBS, CNN, Fox News, NBC, CBS, USA Today and Washington Post.

Initially introduced to protect the 2020 elections from foreign interference, TNI has expanded its efforts to combat "anti-vaccine" narratives on the internet using algorithms and fact-checkers. These algorithms monitor and regulate online content to remove information contradictory to TNI's preferred narratives, while fact-checkers counter information deemed "disinformation."

However, critics say TNI's approach leads to censorship, with dissenting individuals, including scientists and healthcare providers, facing discrediting, doxxing and removal from social media. TNI efforts also contribute to an environment of “virtue signaling” in which dissenting voices are seen as harmful, exacerbating societal divisions and stifling open dialogue.

Partial funding from taxpayers and the influence of pharmaceutical companies, which have a financial stake in the industry, further complicate TNI's perception of neutrality. As an alternative, independent media are encouraged to provide unbiased content and diverse perspectives to counter TNI's controlled narrative.

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“The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media. Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal lives and agenda, controlling exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.” - TNI

Source: TNI - The Ministry of Truth

footnote: this article was AI assisted

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