A Biblical look at President Trump

A Biblical Look at President Trump
By Butch Dias

 I see many “Christians” slam our president. They slam me for praying for him and for standing with him. They cut him down like the wicked media does.  I have always voted for our country with a Biblical world view. I know I will get a lot of negative dislikes from the religious crowd, but let us see what the Bible says. You can’t argue with Scripture. Does your view line up with the Word of God or does it line up with the world or the news media?

So surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Amos 3:5 KJV. This morning I heard the words, listen to what the prophets are saying I opened my prophetic words and thought about what God is doing now in the world. I think God has something working. Take time to seek Him. What were the prophets saying about Donald Trump before the election? I have followed the prophetic ministry of Kim Clement the prophet from South Africa and listened to him for about 20+ years and have seen him in person and even got a personal word from him. He is very accurate. He is just one of many evangelical prophets that were very accurate about President Trump. All the odds were stacked against Donald Trump before the election. The fix was in from the media and the political organizations in Washington. They did not want him in that position. We saw how the media gave the questions to his opponent before the debates, we saw how the election was rigged to make Bernie Sanders lose, how every media outlet except the Christian media against him and every despicable thing that could be done to hurt him.  He wasn’t supposed to win. The Washington establishment was against him and did everything to try to destroy him and he still won. As I listened to the prophetic messages, I saw the miracles unfold. It seemed like every attack was viciously brutal and meant to destroy him, but it didn’t work.  Please take time to see what the other prophetic voices said. They all were all accurate and right on. Their prophetic word stands true today. Also there were other prophets all saying the same thing. Take some time to look at the prophecies from Mark Taylor and Lance Wallnau, they are remarkable. I listened to them over and over. I even listen to them now. 

“To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;” Jeremiah 26:5 KJV. God sent His Word through His prophets and many of the religious people did not hear, but rejected them and made fun of them. They still won’t listen, even though the prophecies came through and are being fulfilled now, they still will not listen. I believe that this election was one of the greatest spiritual battles in our country. It was a battle of life and death for our country. It was also the battle for the lives of the unborn. I think this was a big turning point.  “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” Proverbs 6:16 & 17 KJV. Hands that shed innocent blood is the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood.” Who was the “poster child” for Planned Parenthood; it was the liberal Christians choice, Obama. He promoted Planned Parenthood from the office of the greatest country in the world. While Millions of innocent unborn children were being slaughtered, many liberal Christians called him a godly man and a Christian. Genesis 4:10 KJV says,” And he said, what hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.” When Cain killed Abel, the cries of his blood reached God’s ears in heaven. I wept when I read this. If God heard one innocent voice, He must be weeping hearing the blood cry out from millions of innocent children.  What is going to happen on judgement day? Was your hand involved in their innocent murder? You could have made a difference by voting Biblical, instead of voting someone who would support and promote the innocent murder of the unborn.Think about it Biblically. 

While we see people, even liberal “Christians” scream “Trump is not my president.” He still is America’s president, whether you like it or not. If you are listening to CNN, the Voice, and Late night TV and you didn’t listen to the prophetic voices of God, you need to check your heart.  Something is wrong. CNN and the media were all wrong, but the prophetic voices that heard from God were not. Yet “Christians” complain and murmur with the world and the media. Some “Christians are lined up with CNN and the world more than they are aligned with God.

Blessed [is] the nation whose God [is] the LORD; [and] the people [whom] he hath chosen for his own inheritance." Psalms 33:12 KJV. When I sailed in the Merchant Marines I traveled around the world and saw many things. I was always very thankful when I came back to the USA. There is no place like home especially if God is in the Lord of your home and your country. God bless America. There is nothing like our great nation. The real reason is because it was founded on the God of the Bible. President Trump has been one of the most Patriotic presidents ever. After having come from 8 years of an anti-American anti – Israel president it is refreshing. We had a Muslim president who was pushing the Muslim agenda and persecuting the Christians and the same “Christians” who mock and down grade Trump never once complained. God was taken out of the White House and Mohammad was brought in. It was even said by that president who was in office at that time that Muslims built the fabric of America. The liberal media never complained, the liberal history teachers never complained and the liberal “Christians” never complained, only patriotic Americans complained. No one ever complained that what he said was a lie. Patriotic Americans complained and stood strong. Now we have a President that said American was built of God. But we still have “Christians” complaining about our new president.  President Trump has marked the National Day of Prayer with a new policy to protect faith groups with their involvement with our government. No liberal “Christian” complained when Obama filled our government with Muslims that were tied to terrorist groups, but they complained about Trump bring godly Christian leaders to the White House. Obama brought the Koran in and Trump brought back the Bible to the White House. He now has Bible Study in the White House and now godly men come to the White House to pray. Yes God is the God of our nation and we now have a president that believes in God and believes that God will guide our nation. The God of the Bible is what was the fabric of our nation.

"For kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." 1 Timothy 2:2 KJV. God calls us to pray for our leaders in every position. As I walked around the area this morning seeing all the US flags out I started praying for our president and our leaders. I wanted to shout USA, USA, but it was too early in the am. So I shouted inside my heart, I Love my country. Biblically we are supposed to pray for our president and our leaders, but I see “Christians” curse and murmur about him and never pray. If you are an America citizen, Donald Trump is your president. He is the president of the greatest country in the world. While president Trump is trying hard to make America great again, I hear liberals and liberal Christians say, “America was never great.”  This is so pathetic and un-American. It is definitely a spiritual war against our country. Where do you stand? If you truly a Bible believing Christian you are charged to pray for him. 

"The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." Proverbs 21:1 KJV. We have a part in making our country great. How? We pray. We are supposed to pray that God guides the heart of our leaders. This verse also works for the leaders at work or leaders in general. Please pray today for our leaders. Prayer is what changes the world and world leaders. We have to pray that God will touch their hearts and guide them as He does the rivers. We need God to lead their hearts. Many “Christians” don’t do what the Bible says unless it aligns up with their agendas. What makes America great is what our early American Patriots did. I) They trusted in the God of the Bible. 2) They believed in the God of the Bible, 3) they prayed to the God of the Bible, 4) they actually read the Bible, 5) they obeyed God’s word in the Bible. What they believed and obeyed actually reflected on the foundations of our early country. The cornerstone of our country was the God of the Bible. That is what the foundation of our country was built on. It was built on the God of the Bible. I didn’t ever hear any liberal Christians object when Obama said that our country was built on the Muslim faith. CNN and the media did not say anything, liberal historians said nothing, and all I heard was excuses and silence. Trump said that our country was built on the God of the Bible. Yet liberal Christians still bad mouth him and praise Obama. As a Bible believing Christian where do you stand?

 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Psalm 122:6 KJV. America has always stood for the country of Israel. Christians have always stood for the country of Israel. But during the Obama years, Obama turned against Israel. He is noted as the only anti-Israel American president. He worked hard with Israel’s enemies to destroy Israel, He interfered in the, funded Israel’s enemies, but no liberal Christian ever complained. It was so sad, as a Christian where do you stand? 

While Evangelical Christians pray for Israel and the peace of Israel with their Israelis brother and sisters, Obama and his followers did what they could to destroy Israel. I wonder what God thought during this time? I wonder what he thought of liberal Christians being silent during this time. Thank God we now have an American president again that loves and supports Israel. Trump supported the move of the embassy and the capital to Jerusalem. We saw Biblical prophecy in action and America and trump was at the forefront. Yet, liberal Christians are still screaming, ‘He is not my president.” As a Christian where do you stand? Do you support Israel? One of the reasons radical Islam hated Israel and America is because we serve the same God of the Bible. Who do you serve? Who do you support? Where do you stand?

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Things are changing at a rapid pace. America is becoming great again. The world lost respect for America during the Obama years, but America is now respected during Trump’s first year. While Obama and his followers cut down America and even went on an apology tour, Trump praises America and patriotic Americans. I have been around the world and America is still the greatest country in the world. I get sick when I hear Obama followers say that America was never great. It shows that they do not know history. We have seen history in the making for the better since Trump came into office. America is not weak anymore, but getting stronger every day. I’m thankful that we no longer have a president that promotes the murder of unborn babies from the White House. Obama was the poster child for Planned Parenthood that murdered babies. No liberal Christian ever complained about that. Where do you stand as a Bible believing Christian?  Trump is prolife of the unborn children. Obama promoted the homosexual and transsexual life styles from the White House and also. Obama had the White House lit up in rainbow colors to show the world that he supported their cause. America was losing her morals. Yet liberal Christians praised his diversity and cut down Evangelical Christians. It was definitely not Biblical, but there was no outrage by liberal Christians, only evangelical Christian stood alone. Obama worked the hardest on getting men into the ladies room. Sorry, how perverted can you get? This came from the top seated man in America, yet the liberal Christians stood silent. Where is the outrage? People fought against the Christians that were standing up for Biblical principles. This was destroying the moral fiber of America, Where do you stand as a Bible believing stand? Thank God we have a Patriotic President that is changing things to make America great again. 

“And is a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Mark 3:25 KJV. One of the biggest things I saw during the Obama administration was division. There was an increased racial division, hatred for our country, our flag, our military, our police force, hatred for Bible believing Christians. There was extreme persecution against all these and just kept getting worse. The White House was being filled with radical Islamic anti – American leaders. America was being made to fail. I remember seeing a liberal Christian calling all her Jamaican prayer warriors to come against Trump, and later I saw how Satanists and witches calling for the same thing. How can this be? No outrage from liberal Christian, only evangelical Christians. I saw liberal Christians cursing Trump like the witches were doing. Something is wrong here. When Obama first started running for office the Democratic Party took God out of the platform, and there were not many complaints from liberal Christians.  All these red flags and “Christians” took the bait. They did what Israel did and wanted a king.  “And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.  But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said; give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD.  And the LORD said unto Samuel, hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” 1 Samuel 8: 5-7 KJV. I can’t make this stuff up. They wanted a king and they got one. But the king did evil in the site of the Lord. He had his chance, but chose not to, yet his followers still worship the king. Nobody is perfect, but Jesus, but when you completely disregard Bible beliefs and purposely come against everyone of God’s Biblical word, something is wrong. Where do you stand on this? Where you with the king or with the King of Kings? Obama had a choice to do the things of God, but chose not to and his followers chose to back him up. Now we are seeing a change for the better in America. We have a president that loves America, God and the Bible and the military, law enforcement, and Israel. I made a choice to vote for president, support, and pray for him.  Trump made a decision to do the best for the American people and for our country. He threw out Allah out of the White House and put God back in. His staff holds Bible studies and has godly preachers praying for the President and his staff. Still liberal Christians cut him down. He has vowed to restore and protect the religious liberties that were taken away with Obama. Yet liberal Christians still try to destroy him. Where do you stand? 

The liberal hatred is getting so bad and the corruption in Washington, DC is being exposed. They try so hard to take Trump down and destroy him and his family. Yet, He still comes through for the American people. Never has so much corruption been revealed in Washington, DC. We see the former president Obama still working hard behind the scenes to destroy Trump. Never before have we seen this in the history of the United States. He has set up a shadow government to destroy Trump, America’s new president.  Yet we don’t see the Liberal Christians get upset. This is an outrage. It is time that Patriotic men and women of God take back our country.  We see the Democratic Party wanting illegal immigrants to come in illegally so they can vote. We see democratically run cities harboring illegal immigrants, violent and violent gang members and fugitives. They now call them “undocumented citizens”. We now live in an age where they call good evil and evil good. Let us see what the Bible says about that? “ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJV. I think God has had enough if that. There are 2 ways to get into a country, 1) legally or 2) Illegally. It doesn’t matter what country in the world you want to go. There are rules and laws that govern this. There are consequences if you don’t follow the rules. 

There was heavy persecution during the Obama years against Christian speaking the truth. Churches were afraid to lose their 501:C3 tax exempt status, or being harassed by the IRS. It is time for men and a woman of God to stand up for what is right. And call good, good and bad, bad. Trump has promised to protect the rights of Christians, after 8 years of persecution, yet liberal Christians still slam him. Where do you stand? 

No country is perfect, nobody is perfect, and that is why we need God and the Bible. The Bible is His love letter and directions for us to live right. We all are human and that is why the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:39 KJV. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4. KJV


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