[PTSD] - President Trump Steem Dispatch #4 - Is Operation "YOU'RE FIRED" happening now?

News Outlet Fox 5 in DC is Reporting "Multi-Agency Activity!"

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I took quite a break from writing my President Trump Steem Dispatches [PTSD] a while back because of shinier objects that hijacked my ADD. The [PTSD] posts were originally slated for my need to cathartically express my frustration with the POTUS and deal with my own PTSD.

But recently, my attention came back to POTUS and his possibly ACTUALLY doing his job of draining the Swamp in DC. Occasionally I follow Jordan Sather's channel because I'm too lazy to look up interesting news of my own and he recently reported that there is currently a "Court Authorized" Law Enforcement activity taking place in DC today, with more information to be released this afternoon. Which is around NOW from my math. Take a listen for yourself and see if you think Jordan is on to something...

Sather also brought up the following story in a previous report...

I will perhaps return with a followup to this post if it gets more interesting.

~Quixotic Malcontent

But seriously... Sessions is a little DouscheBag!

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