Here is what would have happened if HILLARY CLINTON WON THE ELECTION

1- Supreme court justice would have been a libtard -- everything from the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th amendments would be attacked.

2- Gun rights? Forgetaboutit! One of the first things would have been to limit gun rights, first by "registering" your guns and then banning them one by one. And concealed carry? Would have been GONE!

3- We would have not only stayed in the "Paris Accord" but Hillary would have made it binding. That would have FAR reaching ramifications. The price at the pump would have doubled, if not tripled from here, between the carbon tax, to an increase in federal gas tax -- you would have been paying $4.50 per gallon at the pump. BUT the price of oil would have subsequently dropped like a rock to $10 per barrel as people no longer drive, putting hundreds of thousands of jobs out of business. EVERYTHING would have increased in price -- from milk to Amazon.

4- Stocks would have dropped 30-40% as the anti-business climate of the corrupt Demonrats kicks in.

5- Obamacare would have been BAILED OUT for $80 BILLION for this year alone. They would have introduced an even worse Obamacare. Premiums would continue to rise as healthcare insurers leave the markets as they are now.

6- Taxes would have skyrocketed! There would be a massive tax on the middle class and a small insignificant increase for the wealthy. Capital gains tax would go from 15% to 50% as she suggested! Say good bye to your 401K and your portfolios (see #4 above) in a death spiral which would have required another BAILOUT of perhaps another $$trillion$$ !

7- Business sentiment would be dead as people cut back on expenses. Small and midsize business would be going BK every second.

8- OPEN BORDERS and AMNESTY to millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! The country would be flooded with 3rd world trash. You thought crime was bad now? Imagine 50 million 3rd worlders flooding our country. Think about 3 million Muslims coming into our country every year from now on!

9- Abortion on demand, late term abortion and other horrors would be given priority, and YOU would be paying for it.

10- Hollywood pedophile freaks and other human filth would be in their glory! Regular daily celebrations of Champagne Liberals popping their $30k bottles of Champagne on TV rubbing it in our faces.

11- Islam would be celebrated and cherished while Christianity would be nearly abolished.

12- We would join the NWO. The UN would be dictating what we can and cannot say. FREE SPEECH would be dead.

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