{I am calling it FIRST.} The real reason President Trump is icing Pakistan. DEMOCRATS.

Without a doubt everyone has heard, or will hear about the change regarding Pakistan. We have provided them funding for many years. Now with the realization that The Congressional Democrats let Pakistani's take Congressional computers and cover it up, President Trump is saving us money and counterfeiting their intelligence usefulness. They may be able to sell their intel, but they will not be coming and going through our borders, watch.

Here is a good article on the issue.

From Daily Caller

House Democrat’s Office Approved $120k Write-off Linked To Awan Brothers

   Luke RosiakInvestigative Reporter      11:05 PM 08/20/2017                                          A chief of staff for Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke quietly agreed in  early 2016 to sign away a $120,000 missing electronics problem on behalf  of two former IT aides now suspected of stealing equipment from  Congress, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. Clarke’s chief of staff at the time effectively dismissed the loss  and prevented it from coming up in future audits by signing a form  removing the missing equipment from a House-wide tracking system after  one of the Awan brothers alerted the office the equipment was gone. The  Pakistani-born brothers are now at the center of an FBI investigation  over their IT work with dozens of Congressional offices. A senior House official with knowledge of the situation provided  TheDCNF with new details about how exactly the brothers are suspected to  have stolen the equipment and possibly data from Congress, raising  questions about the members or staffers who were signing the checks on  equipment purchases. The $120,000 figure amounts to about a tenth of the office’s annual  budget, or enough to hire four legislative assistants to handle the  concerns of constituents in her New York district. Yet when one of the  brothers alerted the office to the massive loss, the chief of staff  signed a form that quietly reconciled the missing equipment in the  office budget, the official told TheDCNF. Abid Awan remained employed by  the office for months after the loss of the equipment was flagged. Separately, the brothers are suspected to have orchestrated a  long-running fraud scheme in which the office would purchase equipment  in a way that avoided tracking by central House-wide administrators.  They’re suspected of working with an employee of CDW Government Inc. —  one of the Hill’s largest technology providers — to alter invoices in  order to avoid tracking. The result would be that no one outside the  office would notice if the equipment disappeared, and investigators  think the goal of the scheme was to remove and sell the equipment outside of Congress.

         Completing this poll entitles you to Daily  Caller news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You  also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.  CDW spokeswoman Kelly Caraher told TheDCNF the company is cooperating  with investigators, and has assurance from prosecutors its employees  are not targets of the investigation. “CDW and its employees have  cooperated fully with investigators and will continue to do so,” Caraher  said. “The prosecutors directing this investigation have informed CDW  and its coworkers that they are not subjects or targets of the  investigation.” Those fraud schemes are two major parts of the criminal case being  built against Imran Awan, his wife Hina Alvi, his two brothers Abid and  Jamal, and potentially others into their Capitol Hill IT work. Their  work as IT aides gave them full access to all emails and files of dozens  of members of Congress, and the law enforcement probe also includes a  cybersecurity component. According to the official who talked to TheDCNF, Clarke’s chief of  staff did not alert authorities to the huge sum of missing money when it  was brought to the attention of the office around February of 2016. A  request to sign away that much lost equipment would have been “way  outside any realm of normalcy,” the official said, but the office did  not bring it to the attention of authorities until months later when  House administrators told the office they were reviewing finances  connected to the Awans. The administrators informed the office that September they were  independently looking into discrepancies surrounding the Awans,  including a review of finances connected to the brothers in all the  congressional offices that employed them. The House administrators asked  Clarke’s then-chief of staff, Wendy Anderson, whether she had noticed  any anomalies, and at that time she alerted them to the $120,000  write-off, the official told TheDCNF. Anderson took over for Shelley Davis as Clarke’s chief of staff in  February, the same month one of the Awan brothers requested the massive  write-off for the lost equipment. It’s not clear whether it was Davis or  Anderson who signed off on the form, but Anderson knew it occurred  since she notified House authorities of the write-off when they asked. LaDavia Drane replaced Anderson as Clarke’s chief of staff in January  of 2017, when Anderson left to work for Florida Rep. Val Demings. Salary records show Abid’s employment with Clarke ended in September,  some six months after the discrepancy was acknowledged in the write-off  and the same month Clarke’s office learned of the impending financial  review. Since assuming office in 2007, the New York Democrat’s IT has  been handled by, at various times, Imran, Hina, and most recently Abid. Imran and his wife Hina were indicted this  month for ancillary crimes relating to frantically gathering money to  wire to Pakistan and attempting to leave the country, after learning  that investigators were looking at the other behaviors. They began  liquidating assets in earnest not long after that September call to  their employers, real estate records show. The current charges serve to keep Imran in the country by taking his  passport, while the main case is built in earnest. Hina is already in  Pakistan with some of the proceeds and could become a fugitive if she  misses her arraignment. The missing equipment tied to Clarke’s office included many iPhones  and iPads, the official told TheDCNF. At $800 each, the written-off sum  would be enough for 150 items in an office that, according to payroll  records, only has 16 employees. The equipment would have been billed under former chief of staff  Davis, who led Clarke’s office from 2010 to February 11, 2016, at which  point Anderson took over. The request for the write-off came from the  Awans around the time of that staffing change. Drane and Clarke  spokeswoman Christine L. Bennett refused to tell TheDCNF which chief  signed the form, and why they did not fire Abid at the time or alert  authorities. Members can be personally liable for money or equipment that is lost  from their taxpayer-funded office. But the write-off process exists  through the House Chief Administrative Officer to square the books in  cases of minor, unintentional discrepancies, such as a years-old  Blackberry being misplaced. Clarke’s chief called a House help desk to inquire about the  write-off process and was told the forms are submitted routinely, but  did not convey the highly unusual scale of the dollar figure, the  official said. The missing $120,000 covers only Clarke’s office. Imran and his  relatives worked for more than 40 current House members when they were  banned from the House network in February, and have together worked for  dozens more in past years. Not all of the offices’ books have been  audited for similar patterns. In addition to the apparent write-off scheme, the family is suspected  of funneling money from other congressional offices using the invoicing  scheme that authorities believe involved cooperation from within CDW  Government Inc. Equipment purchased by members’ offices is normally tracked closely  by central House-wide administrators, but House rules allow  micropurchases under $500 to be treated more informally. In offices  where the Awans worked, CDW invoices routinely showed high-priced items  falsely billed at just under that cutoff point, the official told  TheDCNF. The low figure on the high-priced equipment would keep it off  the tracking radar of central House authorities. The difference in the  actual price was then made up by inflating the cost of a service plan,  and the equipment was shipped to Imran’s house, the source said. A member or high-level staffer with financial responsibility in the  office would still have to sign a voucher for each such purchase,  however, raising the question of how the office wouldn’t have noticed  equipment was being purchased that never actually materialized at the  office, and in quantities an office might not plausibly need. Missing money involving write-offs, like the $120,000 written off by  Clarke’s office, would be a concern for authorities in addition to  equipment that disappeared following the service-plan maneuvering. The  suspected write-off scheme aimed at removing items from tracking  inventories, while the suspected service-plan maneuvering aimed at  keeping the items from being added to the inventories in the first  place. Davis, Clarke’s prior longtime chief of staff, avoided calls from  TheDCNF after learning of the story. Davis previously worked for  Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and for Rev. Jesse Jackson’s  nonprofit. Public records indicate Davis had money problems. He faced  eviction from a Northeast Washington, D.C., apartment in 2011, according  to D.C. court records. Despite earning $160,000 a year on Capitol Hill, Abid simultaneously  ran a car dealership in Virginia and filed for bankruptcy in 2010 to  discharge hundreds of thousands in debts. Court records show the  dealership took $100,000 from an Iranian who  also served as a politician in Iraq and who is wanted by the Department  of Justice. Abid’s business partner testified that the dealership’s  financial books were inscrutable."

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