On North Korea's Capitulation


We can (though cautiously) celebrate a victory for the world today. North Korea has signed a denuclearization agreement with the US, and President Trump, from what I hear, made zero concessions... other than agreeing not to make a parking lot of Kim's back yard.

The silence on the left has been, as they say, deafening. It would seem many libs are actually disappointed the summit wasn't an abject failure... which, given the stakes, strikes me as, oh I don't know... un-American as hell. And it's true, NK has been duplicitously slippery in the past, so we would do well to follow the advice of our last competent president (in my memory) who said, "Trust... but verify."

To be honest, I've never been worried about NK's bluster and missile tests. Building a nuclear arsenal, and having the nads to use it against the world's superpower, are two distinctly different things. But then, I'm getting on in years... it's our grandies who must inherit this world and live to be old themselves, if possible. Trump accomplished what no president has, ever, with NK: he spoke power to pomposity, and in just one day at the table got what the world needed from the little weasel. That's no small win in my book.

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