My Response to David Ickes latest anti-Trump video.

David I respect your work, but you have to take your modify your world view to understand the true history of man and the forces that shaped it. Not all the forces are of the dark side. The 32nd degree masons in the US military (Gnostic Illuminati 32nd Masons don't spit on the crucifix to make the 33rd Satanic Illuminatti degree) that asked Trump to run for POTUS are aligned with the Asian masons known as the White Dragon Society (WDS).

Trump must appear as the regular Politician he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in the selection process if he went full conspiracy nut from the get go. The WDS are the custodians of the Asian Royal Family Gold that was to be used after WW2 to rebuild the planet. (Part of this Gold the Philippine tranche was transferred to the Vatican to stop it falling into Axis power control but was then stolen by the satanic Illuminati forces to create the G6 EU).

The WDS fell out with Western Masons when a faction reneged on their promise to demonstrate the atomic bomb on an isolated Japanese military target and instead bombed civilian targets, followed later by the globalist bankers trying to develop bio weapons to wipe out the Asian races via pandemic flu virus. After WW2 the Marshal Plan enthroned the US dollar as the World's Trading Currency which was backed by Gold until the Globalist puppet Richard Nixon cut it free allowing the rise of the petro dollar backed only by US military might.

The secret masonic ceremony between Trump and the Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in the forbidden city was the foundation for the new agreement to a new era of peace based on a new gold back world trading currency. The wealth of the ancient royal Asian and European bloodlines came from the Silk Road trade, the Western terminus was Israel and the Eastern terminus North Korea.

The crusades marketed as a liberation of christian holy sites was a re-opening of the silk road franchise using the Knights Templar (foundation Gnostic Illuminati Masons) as the bankers until they were betrayed by a faction of families that went on to evolve into the modern day globalists. The Knights Templar transferred their Gold to America via Scotland to create the great democratic experiment known as the USA.

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